The Old Dog Presents: Our 9th SteemTradeCards for 2018! The Big Hearted @surpassinggoogle!

From the first time this Steemer reached out to me in March of 2017 I realized that I was dealing with a sensitive person with big ideas and an even bigger heart. We had a nice conversation via Face Time and have stayed on each other's radar ever since. I've been so impressed with what he's accomplished and how much he's helped others.

Did You Know? 

This entire SteemtradeCards Project started with @surpassinggoogle's project (at the time there was no website but just the tag) and that's why I pay homage to him at the end of every card presentation post!

Don't let my bias cloud your opinion though. Once again @wolfje has been assigned to profile this much loved Steemian. But before getting his viewpoint here's a reminder:

You can see all of our 2017 cards by clicking here and all of the 2018 cards, films and project information can be seen on our @steemtradecards site!

@surpassinggoogle The Big Hearted Steemer With The Big Ideas! (as told by @wolfje)

In our lives we deal with many disappointments and it is how we deal with these setbacks that show what we’re really made off. Some people give up, others rise like a phoenix from the ashes and come back stronger than ever.

@surpassinggoogle is a person that falls in the second category. Ever since I ran my first competition back in January I’ve been coming across his name through the Asian participants who mentioned him or referred to him.  

This guy is a celebrity on the platform. He is the equivalent of a modern disciple, people flock to him naturally as he radiates goodness. People want to be infected by his kindness and generosity … and it is working. He has launched several projects to make the world a better place and every person in the world a celebrity. “In my world, flaws are allowed. I will forgive a hundred times. I have seen too much "life," that many things are forgivable.” 

He is involved in many projects, if you have never heard of them, check them out. The best known one is where anyone can offer their skills or knowledge and get payed fairly for it. @teardrops is another fantastic initiative of his to give out “tears of joy” (tokens) and finally there’s his witness there to support all his ideas and to support us, fight our battles and be our voice. 

This guy is like a Mother Theresa, he keeps on giving to the community, whilst neglecting his own basic needs of food and sleep. 

Meet: Father Terry


(@SteemTradeCards guest writer)

Here he is @surpassinggoogle. He Wants to Help You!

@surpassinggoogle wants to invite you to join his helpful projects! Let's check things out a little bit better!

He's even friendlier than he looks!

You've accomplished a lot @surpassinggoogle and we're all benefiting!

Here's The Full Text as it Appears on The Card!


Type: SteemGigs 

Joined: August 2016

Location: Philipines 

@surpassinggoogle is a true steemit celebrity. This guy is the epitome of the beauty of humankind! @surpassinggoogle is a warm, caring, sympathetic dreamer who makes dreams come true.  

He is putting all his energy into the welfare of others, sacrificing his own biological needs so that he can use steemit to make the world a better place or in his words “"Donkeylife" for others must end!” He believes in the goodness of people with all his heart and uses his projects @teardrops & @surpassinggoogle to support this.  


Posts: He doesn’t post much himself, but he interacts with all his disciples, an average of 23 a day

Followers: Father Terry gains 21 new followers each day due to the work he does for everyone

Random Fact: Whilst working in a call center, he called the work "the height of slavery, you even get paid to sit on that chair, be endlessly a pawn in an anonymous person's dream; be stolen from your very self, for the price of peanuts" 

A Special Mention Goes to the Following Members!

  • @airmatti for his awesome design. I have sent him 15 Steem as part of this ongoing @steemgigs which has already paid out 100's of Steem to this talented artist. 
  • @wolfje for producing the text for this card. @wolfje will receive 10 Steem for his awesome contribution!
  • @surpassinggoogle for the @steemgigs tag and the opportunity that it gives to so many!

Please Also Support The Animated Version of The Card

@airmatti has also produced another cool animated version of the card which feature original music by one of our other amazing Steemers! You can find it at our official page @steemtradecards

What do You Think?

  • Who would you recommend as deserving of a Steemit Trading Card?

I hope that you enjoyed this presentation of SteemTradeCards featuring the amazing @surpassinggoogle
Until next time, 

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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