Things that I judge people for on steem: small list for minnows seeking success

This is a badass space, don't get me wrong. Most folks I've encountered here on steem have been quality people. But there's some that make me wish I had a million SP to downvote the hell out of them.

Here's a quick list of the top three things not to do if you care what little old Nate thinks about you. Also a small list that'll help plankton. Like me.

3. Upvote begging

Hello mister quality poster man, I upvoted you. Pls do upvoting me and follow for maybe to receive more upvotes.


Not how it works fam. Go be annoying somewhere else. I've actually gone on tirades before and found a dummy that upvoted one of their stupid begging comments and downvoted it just to make sure.

2. Stupid memes, off topic titles, and no writing

You've seen the posts.

Title: so funny
Post: stupid picture of a snowman getting slapped by an alligator.
Tags: #funny
Overall: effing dumb. Go away.

If you hate it too, go here to blow your top. Grrr.


Call me a terrible person, but if I find a post that's got a high value and I see the author's name in the list of votes, I don't vote for it. You have enough support from yourself. You don't need mine. Even if it's a bomb ass post.

If you're a whale that can upvote your self into trending, why not just make 10 posts a day with the word "the" and upvote it? You don't need support. You don't need votes. You've got you and you're all you need. That's a huge pet peeve of mine. You upvote your comment on my post? I don't upvote it. End of story.

Relevance is quality. Relevance earns its own support.

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