There are so many ways to promote Steemit, this is just one of them. Promoting Steemit on Social Media with reference to a respected current user if the particular field of excellence.

Promoting #Steemit with the help of an existing respected user

So many ways to promote Steemit, this is just one of them..!!.jpg

Promoting to a specific target audience

There are so many ways to promote #Steemit and I just wanted to share with you one particular way that can be very effective.

This example shown is on twitter, but the principle can be used within any Social Media Network.

Target Audience

First of all pick a target audience.

For this example I have chosen #Photography as it is one of the most popular used tags.

Secondly, find an existing #Steemit user that is known in the #Steemit Community, highly respected and is also active within the Network that you are targeting.

In this instance I have chosen @czechglobalhosts who goes by #CzechGlobal on twitter.

By promoting #Steemit in an existing Social Media Network that has a trusted user already sharing their content, as an excellence in their field, will instantly allow you to bridge the first hurdle of trust.

It is this bridge of trust that will allow those you are reaching out to, to instantly associate an existing user currently on #Steemit.

Below is how it would look.

Example of actual Tweets

Tweet - 1


Urgently looking for more talented #Photographers to showcase their amazing work on #Steemit.
This is therefore an Open Invitation to ALL Photographers both professional & amateur to come & join Steemit.
#steemtalent #JoinSteemit #Steemit #CzechGlobal

Tweet - 2


ColorChallenge - Green Thursday - leodang in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge! #steemtalent #JoinSteemit #CzechGlobal #Steemit
#Photography #Blogging #Blogger

Any audience and any field/topic

Obviously this method of targeting a specific audience and tying it back to a current user on #Steemit can be used in any field/topic and within any Social Network.

Try it..!!

In the meantime, a Massive #Steemit Shout to Tomas @czechglobalhosts for supporting #steemtalent and this initiative.

Czech Global Hosts .com - Website

For those that have not yet seen Tomas's website, I highly recommend you check it out.




Thanks for reading.


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