Looking forward to the next leg of my journey on Steemit and why Steem could achieve a +$500 billion Market Valuation if it became the Wikipedia of Social Media Creative Content and Talent..!!

Rolling out #steemtalent

Looking forward to the next leg of my journey on Steemit.png

#steemtalent - "The next leg of my Journey on Steemit"

Following on from my Blog yesterday, I am pleased to update you with what has happened so far.

For those that may have missed the Blog and short video explaining what I have decided to do, here is the short video I shared.

Why I have decided to become a full-time Talent Scout for the #Steemit Community

As I mentioned yesterday the decision I have made to change my Twitter and LinkedIn profiles to promote myself has taken nearly 12 months to make.

It was a decision that I have naturally come to and one that will hopefully focus peoples attention on outside of the #Steemit Community as to my vision for the Platform.

It should come as no great surprise to those that follow my Blog where I strongly believe #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain is heading.

Already been approached by a Songwriter

Within hours of changing my Twitter Profile I had a number of people contact me, including a budding Songwriter looking for a place to promote his work.

These last 24 hours have totally blown me away and confirmed my concerns that most people are still totally unaware of the potential of #Steemit..!!

Promoting #Steemit as a tool to capture creative talent in it's raw state could in essence be a game changer and is a journey that I am personally excited to go on.

+$500 billion Social Media Powerhouse

As explained in the video yesterday, I have been saying for over a year now that #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain has the potential to grow into a +$500 billion Social Media Powerhouse and this vision was shared last year in a Video Blog.

Wikipedia of Social Media Creativity and Talent

How could #Steem achieve a +$500 billion Market Valuation?

This is a question I am asked constantly asked and one that I always have great pleasure in explain why.

At the moment most people see #Steemit and the #Steem Ecosystem as a blogging/reward platform, but what would happen if #Steemit and #Steem atracted the "Best of the Best"..!!

I am talking the best of Social Media Creative Content and Talent.

A bit like the Wikipedia of Social Media Creativity and Talent..!!

If this was the case and #Steemit and the #Steem Ecosystem became this "Goto" source of Global raw creative talent, then a Market Valuation of $500 billion is cheap, and I mean CHEAP..!!

Profile Updates

Following on from yesterday, I am pleased to confirm that I have updated my Profiles as follows...

Twitter Profile


Profile: Talent Scout reaching out to: #Singers, #Musicians, #Artists, #Songwriters, #Photographers, #Dancers, #Cooks, #Gamers, #Celebs... and anyone else with a Talent.

For those on Twitter, here is my page..... https://twitter.com/StephenPKendal

LinkedIn Profile

![LinkedIn Profile.png]


Profile: Talent Scout looking for: #Singers, #Musicians, #Artists, #Songwriters, #Photographers, #Dancers, #Cooks, #Gamers etc...

For those on LinkedIn, here is my page..... https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenkendal/

Promotional Banner

Monitor 1 and Monitor 2 - SteemTalent.jpg

Contact Details

SteemTalent Contact Number.png

Over the next few days/weeks/months

Over the next few days/weeks/months I will build on the #steemtalent initiative and look forward to sharing with you the progress being made.

As I explained yesterday, I am really excited to having finally made this decision and cannot wait to start working on this Project.

Thanks for reading and once again thank you for all your tremendous support over the last +22 months.


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