Let's Create a Library of Steem Stories. What's Your Story? $20 SBD

Do you have an interesting Steem Story?  Would it inspire others?

Personal References are usually better received than advertisements.

With HF20 coming soon.  (We hope and all things indicate) the sign up process should be improved.

One of the ways to market is word of mouth, so I would like to start to collect SteemStories!

We also need a "My SteemStory Logo"

As a community let's take charge of gathering some fun SteemStories that can be shared on other social media sites or however you want.

I will give away at least 20 SBD, however I see fit.   It depends on the response.

What can you contribute?

What I would like the first round of stories to be about is people of average technical skills coming to Steem and learning about Crypto, learning how to transact, trade sell, cash out etc.

Did you come here to spread information that might have been censored or deleted elsewhere?  Tell us about it!  Use the tag #SteemStory and link the story back to this post in the comment section.

Tip:  I want to avoid Rags to Riches Stories as I don't think that is our target market.  I will likely be more attracted to stories that play down the Money aspect and stick to Learning, Creating, Sharing or Freedom!

What's your Steem Story?

Share it, Why Not?

To Enter:

  • Create a post highlighting your SteemStory  (vlog it, blog it, sing it, paint it, surprise me)
  • Use the Tag #SteemStory
  • Link the Story in the Comments.

This contest will be open until this post closes!


Please resteem and share so we gather more stories.

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