World Historic Scientific Event That Happened On March 1

At last, we got into a new month, may God be praised. I love science history as it displays the unique feature of creativity around the globe. So what are we in for today being the 1st of March?

Like I said in my previous post that a day is not left out in the history of the stem. As we dive deeper to learn about today, I will love you to grab and don’t lose because tomorrow, you might be the one I will be posting about regarding the invention you’ve made. On a serious note, do keep me updated if you have invented any, I will be grateful.

1 March 1813: Micheal Faraday Joins with Davy

Many know the father of electricity, a reputable man. Whom I respect so much. I could remember when I was told about Michael Faraday during my early school days. On this day in 1813, Sir Faraday was at an institution called the Royal Institution.

He was appointed as the chemical assistant to Humphry Davy, wh he later succeeded in 1820 as a professor of chemistry. Our scientist started to educate himself in science at the age of 14 in the year 1805 when he was an apprentice bookbinder. His reach for success was in 1812, this time a client gave him four tickets in order to listen to Humphry Davy lectures at the royal institution.

While he wondered about the topics, he took note of every scientific point made by davy and later met with him, that’s when he asked questions. This led him to seek a position in the institution. At first, there was no opening for a job. In 1813, when there was a vacancy, davy recalled him and he was hired.

Did you know that sir Micheal Faraday was an English chemist and a physicist. Most of his experiment contributed a lot to understanding electromagnetism. He was self-educated and at first, he focused on analytical chemistry, that was when he discovered benzene in the year 1825. His most valued work was electromagnetism in which he explored electromagnetic rotation and then he discovered electromagnetic induction. Additionally, he discovered the law of electrolysis and diamagnetism. He published papers regarding electricity.


1 March 1928: Birth of Seymour Papert

Our well-known scientist, who was the inventor of Logo computer programming language. This kind of programming is known to be an educational programming for children. Sir Seymour studied under Sir Piaget and was able to learn most of his educational theories. As he loved mathematics, he studied ways on how to use mathematics to get to understand perfectly on how little children think and how they learn.

Further, he learned about ways on how a computer can be of benefit to children while they are learning.

Did you know that he worked with Marvin Minsky and they worked together to bring forth an artificial Lab at MIT. He also worked in Costa Rica and developed a nationwide program in which computer the use of a computer is being recognized in the public education system. He died on the 31st of July 2016. One of his quotes goes like this.

“The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.”__Seymour Papert


1 March 1864: The First Female Black American To Earn A Medical Degree

Rebecca Lee Crumpler, a woman of understanding and a great ambitionist. She Received an American medical degree on this date from the New England Female Medical College which is in Boston.

At first, she started working as a nurse from 1852 to 1862 in Massachusetts. As someone who faced different societal restrictions, she did not give up and she lived working to ensure the improvement of health for the black community. Her desire to teach and educate individuals about general medical principles led her to publish a book called “A Book of Medical Discourses in Two Parts”.
In the book, she advised women on how they could take care of themselves and their children as well.


1 March 1866: John Muirs Workplace

On this day in 1866, the workplace of John Muir was completely destroyed by fire. His factory that was located near Meaford in Canada was a place where he worked and invented several tools.

However, when the fire came, he lost everything. When he was at the age of 27, he then changed his lifestyle to become an author and a naturalist. He is known to be a farmer, an explorer, and a conservationist.

Did you know that John Muir is a Scottish American and he established the Sequoia Yosemite National Park located in California. He was able to carve clocks and several mechanism like a device that always make him be awake before daybreak. He is known to be the Father of National Park System.
One of his quotes goes like this

“Between every two pine trees, there is a door leading to a new way of life.”__
John Muir


1 March 1912: The First Parachute Jump From the Plane

On this day in 1912, Captain Albert Berry was able to perform the first known parachute jump from an airplane over the barracks of Jeffersons in the united states of America. Before the event, berry many times parachuted from a balloon, but this time it was different, as he had to leave his two passenger seat on a Benoist Pusher bi-plane. The plane was flying at a speed of 50 mph and an altitude of approximately 1500 feet. His parachute was stowed under the plane in a constructed case. He had to cut it loose and landed on a trapeze bar that was attached to it.

Did you Know that Sir Leonardo da Vinci first drew a parachute in the year 1783. Frenchman Andre-Jacques Garnerin did the first parachute jump from a hydrogen balloon.


1 March 1921: Houdini was Patented For His Diver’s Suit Invention

Harry Houdini invented a Diver’s suit and applied on 30 June 1917. And in 1921, he got it with patent No: 1,370,316. The inventor's aim was to make sure that a diver could remove the suit while submerged without the requiring any assistance from anyone. And this was if there was any danger or any need to remove the suit.


1 March 1954: Testing On Bikini H-bomb

A memorable day though, 1954 at Bikini that’s located in the Pacific Ocean. United States hydrogen bomb with the code-name Bravo was known blast in a bikini. It was known to be the most powerful United States thermonuclear bomb test in that geographical area. Almost equivalent to 15 megatons of TNT.

This bomb was almost similar to the 1000 atomic bombe that was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan during the world war 2. Bikini is part of the Marshall Islands. During the test, one among many atolls was totally vaporized and it disappeared over the wide mushroom cloud.

Did you know that the earlier test of this bomb began in the year 1949, indigenous people were evacuated to an island that was thought to be safe. Not later, they have moved again in 1949. The radioactivity made the islands unsafe for decades.


1 March 1697: The Death of Francesco Redi

At the age of 71, Sir Francesco died. He was one who showed that the presence of maggots inside a putrefying meat is not a result of different spontaneous generation but its because of the eggs that are laid on the meat by certain flies. His interest in this area woked up when got his hands on a book that was written by William Harvey. Sir William proposed in his book that worms, insects, and frogs originated from eggs and seeds that are too small to be seen with the eys.

However, in 1668, Redi’s experiment processes became the first biological experiment that has proper controls.

Did you know that repeatably, he experimented in different ways and was modifying just one parameter same one after the other. Carrying out this experiment, Sir Redi had to prepare eight flasks that contain different meat. In the experiment, four were sealed and the other four were not sealed. The meat in the flasks got rotten but maggots showed on the flasks that were opened for flies to enter. To get further details, he put some flask in which only air could penetrate and he found that it was only due to the flies.


Scientific Quote of the day

“It is sometimes easier to circumvent prevailing difficulties [in science] rather than to attack them.”__ Jacobus Henricus Van't Hoff

He was the first ever winner of the Noble Prize in the field of chemistry in 1901. A dutch physical chemist who is known for working on reaction rates osmotic pressure, the theory of affinity that is based on free energy and the theory of equilibruim. He was born on the 30th of August 1852 and died on the 1st of march 1911.

Thank you for stopping by and I wish you a Happy Successful Month Ahead.

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