A part of the mysterious celestial sphere: stars, nebulas, stellar dust, a dense stellar population, but the majority of the scientist half-closes towards following puzzler: ¿Where from do we come?, Source of image of pixabay

During the XXth century the astronomy has happened of being a descriptive science after it to turn into a modern science capable of realizing prophecies, which can be demonstrated, it has been impossible thanks to the application of the physical and chemical knowledge to the compression of the nature of the celestial objects and of the physical processes, which control his formation, evolution and the emission of energy.

The astrophysics under the base of the atomics, where the study of the nuclear reactions, which generate the energy removed by the stars has tried as the diversity of atoms, which are in the nature can derive from a universe, which originally only was containing atoms of hydrogens, that is to say for of protons and electrons. The astrophysics and the atomics joined his changes when the physicists, on having discovered the neutron, expressed a praiseworthy explanation of the origin of the energy of the sun, the reaction of merger of the hydrogen inside the star produces nuclei of heliums and since products there is obtained the emission of enormous quantities of energy.

But if we focus in the studies of the nuclear reactions in the laboratories they provide a lot of information on the birth, evolution and death of the stars, whereas the measurements astrofísicas do the same about the nuclear processes, which are difficult or impossible to produce in the ground. The sun and the stars constitute nuclear laboratories of characteristics only and impossible to reproduce for the physicists.

The window of the atomics, it takes as an object the study of the nuclear reactions, which generate energy and which lead to the formation of chemical elements across the process of merger, some of the most active scientific fields of the nuclear astrophysics it is of the study explosions of supernovas and the formation of stars of neutrons, since this one represents the nuclear matter under conditional of high temperature and thickness, from which there can be obtained informations impossible to obtain in the terrestrial laboratory. The most interesting point of the study of the study of the stars of neutrons is, that they are the only nuclei known in, that interweave the effects of the cuatros fundamental forces of the universe; the strong interactions and weak, the force electromagnetic and the gravitation.

On another report the solar ovens are the best laboratory, for the search and the study of elementary particles, naturally his special conditions of temperature and gravity do not turn them into the most accessible place, to obtain information, although if they are the most suitable. Practically all the measurements have to realize to big distances of the place in, that the physical studied phenomenon takes place, without being able to control variables as temperature, pressure and chemical composition.

An important contribution in the field of her in quantum physics, the quantum fluctuation of the energy is a temporary change in the quantity of energy in a point in the space, 1 as result of the beginning of suspense enunciated by Werner Heisenberg, the conservation of the energy can seem violated, but only for brief spaces of time. This the generation of pairs allows particle - antipartícula of virtual particles. The effect of these particles is measurable, for example, in the effective load of the electron, different from his 'naked' load.


Thanks to this exposition, supply big contribution where, it is very important facing the origin of the structure of the universe, in accordance with the model of the inflation the fluctuations, which took place before Big Bang, they were amplified creating what would turn into our universe.

Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), source image of mastery of wikimedia commons

The contribution of Relation of indetermination of Heisenberg, it is a beginning of suspense it establishes the impossibility that certain pairs of physical observable and complementary magnitudes are known exactly arbitrary. Succinctly, he affirms that it is not possible to determine, in terms of the quantum physics, simultaneously and exactly arbitrary, certain pairs of physical variables, as they are, the position and the linear moment (quantity of movement) of a given object. We have the following appointment to complement this relation.

Have to insist that there is not, that to imagine the properties of the waves, as if it was a wave he guides, associated in certain way with a classic corpuscle. A physical real particle is an entity irreducible only and his undulatory properties, to the equal one, that his properties corpusculares, they are declarations of aspects different from his intrinsic nature.

quantum Physics - Page 248 for Eyvind H. Wichmann – 1972.

Graph of the Beginning of Indetermination of Heisenberg, fuende image of mastery of wikimedia commons

The modern astrophysics keep on being a science, which he must limit to contemplating, which happens there out in the nucleus delas stars, as the ancient astronomers, that only they could contemplate the movement of the stars and note down them in his stage, the development of observatories and spatial probes bring the eyes of the scientists over to the experiments to be able to simulate it, but the moment to believe it does not seem possible, that it could manipulate them. The repetitions of the simulations in the models of the processes, that takes place in the nuclei of the stars will be the test bench of the theories developed from the cosmic remarks.

Most of the energy liberated in a cycle of matter is not nuclear but gravitational, the most probable mechanism of conversion of energy in gravitational potential nuclear energy, it is by means of the nuclear theft, this one explains a big variety of phenomena observed in the sky, like the generation of cosmic jets and cosmic radiations. A new model of stars of the principal sequence with a star of neutrons in his center, tells that you cover the peculiar properties of happiness with stars, as his function of mass and luminosity with the low emission of neutrinos.

Is necessary to consider, the first essay on the new universe determined by the beginning of equivalence where all the parts of a system of measurements it obeys to same general laws, brings new interpretations, for many celestial phenomena, which are more consistent with the observed facts.


quantum Physics - Page 248 for Eyvind H. Wichmann – 1972.

quantum Generations - Page 201 for Helge Kragh - 2007.

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