
The quest of man to hit a sack of knowledge, towards the greater good of the world he lived in. should be the greatest form of moltivation we humans can ever have and adopt. So many scientists have tried their best through out there life spam to go deep into the mysterious and unknown part of the brain. So many died without providing suitable facts to their discovery on the other hand few scientists did Excell in providing befitting fact to their discoveries, has they watch their discovery change the world
It is a known fact that the brain is the central system of the body and also one of the most mysterious organ in the body. Most human usually have access to more percent of there brain power compared to that of others around them. Which usually makes them special, successful and unique among others. This special people may beby two times smarter, faster and better in performing providing solution to matters that's has to do with the brain compared to others around them. This are the Major kind of people usually seen developing new machines and discoveries to aid and make the world a conducive and better place to live in even if sometimes they do the exert opposite of making the world a better place.
Now do you know that there are some exercise and vitamins that if we take in daily aids learning thereby boosting your brain power from it's normal percent increasing it a little which we maximize your learning process, reasoning, intelligence, thinking and solving of problems relating to science.

Let's start off with the vitamins

.Thiamine (B1)
Vitamins from the B group are considered to be particularly important for good brain health. Thiamin is one of the many B vitamins that is found abundantly in the brain and nerve tissue. It plays a role in the conduction of nerve impulses, according to an article published in The Journal of International Medical Research. Furthermore, a severe lack of this vitamin can lead to Korsakoff syndrome, a chronic memory disorder most often seen in alcoholics and those suffering from diseases such as AIDS.

. Calcium
As far as minerals are concerned, Calcium is the number one essential mineral for healthy brain functioning. It plays a central role as a nerve cell messenger. It also regulates neurotransmission and controls nerve excitability. Low levels of this essential mineral are usually rare as the body has a large reservoir of this mineral in the bones. However, some drugs can deplete the levels of this mineral which can lead to various health problems.

.Essential fatty acid.

Essential fatty acids are also necessary for maximum brain power, as well as promoting normal brain growth and development. Studies show that eating foods that are high in Omega Fatty Acids can reduce the risk of some disease, too. These fatty acids also help boost memory and your ability to learn new things!

Other sources of good Omega fatty Acids are marine plants, such as blue-green algae, and nut or seed oils.
. Draw a rough map from your memory
No, you do not have to look into the Google maps. Visit a new place and after returning home, draw a map of the place. For example, if you visit a new museum tomorrow, draw a map of how you reached the museum after you return home.

.Do math in your head

We use calculator these days but try to do calculations in your mind to challenge your brain and keep it active. Do not use pen or paper. Up the challenge by walking while you do the math.

.Solve puzzles

It may seem childish, but try solving puzzles and challenge your brain. Start with easy puzzles and then gradually proceed to complex ones. It will improve your hand and eye coordination. There are so many online puzzle games. Try jigsaw puzzles and building blocks.


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