Possibility Of Existence Of Parallel Universe [Alternate Reality]

By way of introduction, I would love to point out that we have been made to believe that our universe is unique and is the only one in existence. Also, people have knocked off the theories relating to parallel universe as being fictitious.

But permit me to reiterate this: The fact that something is theorize does not equate it as fiction.

That being said, I will point out to the possibilities of parallel universe. You can also alter the name to "Multiverse" to suit the definition I would be giving later (though it would suffice more to call a group of parallel universe "Multiverse").

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Parallel Universe Vs Alternate Reality

These have been used interchangeably, but there are some differences between them. I will try to explain the differences in a layman's term.

Parallel universe can be said to be separate reality (or world) which is self-contained, and has been said to co-exist together with our own observable universe. For example, having an Earth2, Earth3, etc. But alternate reality can be said to be an alteration or swap in persons or events occurring at different timelines.

That means, alternate reality can actually take place in the same universe. But for the purpose of this study, I shall be narrowing down to parallel universe (though I would mention alternate reality seldom).

Imagine having another version of "you" living in another universe; where, maybe, dinosaurs still exist or maybe where internet does not exist. And this universe is actually existing in real time to our own universe

Evidences of parallel universe

On the 7th of October 2015, a phenomenon was noticed above the clouds of the province of Guangdong; China. This phenomenon was a cloud of towering cities, and it floated across the skies, and was seen by many. After some days, another province; Jiangxi also experienced the same towering clouds.

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These clouds, according to some people were theorized as being an evidence of parallel universe.

According to John Austin (paranormal Journalist)

The floating city observed over China was a supporting evidence of parallel universe. - John Austin

In the year 2014, a professor of quantum physics; Howard M. Wiseman theorized a new idea which suggests that multiple versions of our own universe exist. He went further to state that these "universes" (or multiverse; as the case may be) do interact with one another on quantum level.

That means, our own universe is one of the numerous worlds that exist concurrently, and occupy the same region, both in time and space (according to Professor Wiseman).

so would it be right to infer that these floating cities were not mere aberrations or mirages, but other worlds interacting with our own?

Though some scientists have argued that the scenario was a mere "FATA MORGANA".

Occurrence of Fata Morgana

This is a kind of mirage that is seen above the horizon which distorts objects which are far away. When warmer air superimposes on cooler air, it will form a duct, which will refract beams of light within it, thus creating an image in the sky.

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But here's a very surprising fact: Fata Morgana rarely occurs on land. And the province of Guangjong is more than 40KM away from the nearest sea. This has partly debunked the claim that the floating city was just a mere Fata Morgana.

This means that it could be a pointer to the existence of parallel universe.

Models of Multiverse

In cosmic physics, there are three models of multiverse. These are:

  • Bubble Universe: This theorizes that some other parts of the universe exist, but we can't see them. This is because they are very far from our observable universe, or exists in the blackhole.
  • Membrane model universe: This states that our own observable universe is a layer of 3D model which also exists in other layers of other universe.
  • Many worlds: According to the name, this states that an infinite alternate timelines do exist in the same reality, space, and time that we are also living in.

[Image Source]

Though the concept of alternate realities or multiverse is a very complex one to be fully understood by our own reality, but it should not be debunked on that basis.

Just like what happened in the movie "The Flash", it has been proposed that gravity can leak into other dimensions, and this could point out to traces of parallel universe (based on data surmised from the particle accelerator).

If this leakage of gravity into other dimensions is real, that means; the Hadron Collider for example, can create many blackholes inside the walls of the machine.

You would not be totally wrong to infer that some other universe exist in alternate dimensions apart from our own.


Even though there is not yet substantial and widely accepted proof to the realities of parallel universe, it would also be myopic to believe that our own observable universe is the only one existing.


If something still exists as theory, it does not mean it is a fiction.

Thanks for reading

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6

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