The flaming of the technologies

In the last years of the centuries xx new technologies appeared and diverse applications in the field of the medicine, the biochemistry or the skill the human being can modify to the alive beings of his environment and treat illnesses that till now possible priests did not have. Some of these skills are still in experimental phase, others, as the cloning, face ethical debates on his correct use on the part of the human beings.

Image elaborated and edited for @orquidia


A sight of the pure, positive sciences under a scheme or basic model theories are born new to look and to investigate opposite technological piece of news of application which practically makes them relatively new, applied to many fields of investigation; Inside The field of piece of news technology as the genetic engineering and the biotechnology consists of him study, analysis, they try to look for a structure, formation, design and operation of materials to molecular scales. The nanotechnology has been in the last 20 years an important complement of the evolution of the science, since thanks to the advances of the microscopic study medical and decisive puzzler has been discovered "Micro" problems with consequences “ Macro “.

The genetic engineering.
It is a technical scientific piece of news, which consists of extracting genes of the ADN, of or na cell and inserting them in of other one, that will have typical piece of news of that time, thanks to the gene, that he is trasferido, that's why in this discipline it is employed at the creation of skills, which allow to solve frequent problems of the humanity as, for example, the donors' scarcity for the urgency of transplants. In this field they are tried by textile transgénicos to achieve organs compatible with those of the man.

As for the ADN, it is a fundamental base of information that possess all the alive organisms, where the genes control all the aspects of the life of every organism, including metabolism, form, development and reproduction. Also we have the genetic traditional fitomejoramiento it is an important tool, but it has his limitations.

Up to the moment the genetic engineering has been used to produce, for example:

· Vaccinate, as that of the hepatitis B

· Medicines, like the insulin and the hormone of the human growth

· Enzymes to dissolve spots, like that are used in the detergents powdered

· Enzymes for the food industry, like the employees in the making of the cheese and in the securing of juices of fruit.

· Plants resistant to illnesses and herbicides.

2.pngBovine piece of news for illnesses. (Image elaborated and edited for @orquidia)

The scientists work for the creation of bovine piece of news, to face illnesses as the hepatitis B.

1. The gene is cultivated in bacteria, to design for the securing of the vaccine.

2. The antiviral gene is inserted in a cell of banana, to prepare a bovine route I consume and dynamics.

The plásmidos are molecules of circular, originally outlying ADN of bacteria and that can be extracted from the same ones and join others, across the process of transformation. The plásmidos were modified by the investigators to be used as “ vectors “.

Theoretically, the genetic manipulation will allow to treat the hereditary illnesses, replacing the defective gene with the normal one, also it prepares of skills to diagnose at present hereditary illnesses, studying the genes of every person.

The cloning of species. (Image elaborated and edited for @orquidia.)

The result obtained by this technological application, in a real way belongs to Dolly, the sheep in 1997, it was the first mammal clónico developed in a laboratory, the cloning of alive beings has opened a debate in the whole world on the limits of the science.

1. Ovum of the first sheep.

2. From the sheep that wants to be cloned a cell is extracted.

3. The ovum fuses with the cell.

4. The embryo is implanted in another sheep.

The biotechnology.
The biotechnology uses alive organisms, to create other substances, an example used historically, like the yeast to ferment the beer, the bread, the cheese and the wine, her but the modern biotechnology comes from the spectacular advances realized in the field of the biology, especially the genetic engineering. The biotechnology consists precisely of the use of the biological machinery of other alive beings so that I resulted in a benefit for the human being, be already because a valuable product is obtained or because an industrial procedure is improved. By means of the biotechnology, the scientists look for ways of making use of the biological technology, that's why it is the following relation, the genetic engineering is the key tool of the modern biotechnology by means of which ADN is transferred from one organism to other.

The evolution of the modern biotechnology was the result of the advance in different disciplines of the knowledge (cellular biology, microbiology, genetics, statistics, computer science biochemistry, engineering, between others), that the bases sat for his development and application, because the biotechnology is centred on the analysis of the alive organisms for, across the technology, make use of his resources and capacities. The pharmaceutical industry, the agriculture and the food production are some of the fields that appeal to the biotechnology to improve his offer.

Image elaborated and edited for @orquidia.

At present the scientists manipulate genetically certain fruits and vegetables to delay his process of rottenness and to make them more lasting.

Also we have another slope of this application, since it is the biodegradation it consists of the use of microorganisms, for the decomposition of a substance. The biorremediación, on the other hand, supposes the use of these organisms, to recover a place which natural conditions, they were affected by the contamination or by another factor.

It is necessary to be a positive and handle appropriately this type of technology, for it wants to be had as scope, since the nanotechnology can be capable of creating new materials and devices with a vast scope of applications, fell like in the medicine, electronics, biomaterials and the production of energy.

Image elaborated and edited for @orquidia.

Like science is breaking border in his due field of studies and investigations that is applied in: the health, agriculture, food, environment, the father of the 'nanoscience', is thought Richard Feynman.

“ The nanotechnology includes several sectors and disciplines, and affects who trbajan with batteries of fuels, water filtration, manufacture or technology of the information, and for it the sleep of other optimists is that the nanotechnology will help to solve not only one of the crisises which the global society faces, but all of them ”.

Nanotechnology: new promises new dangers For Toby Shelley pag. 158.

To The moment to break paradigms or models of investigation we have the opencast field to the knowledge as: the nanorobotics for his{your} part, are considered to be one of the technologies at present more sophisticated that they exist, since it is only the impressive result of the dressmaking of elements, to shape a structure with a function determined to so minimal scale. As these basically of gold and Micromere polymers, the robots to minimal scale are used, for the creation in scale of nanochips, for the industry of the telecommunications and the computer science.

The nanotechnology in the robotics and his application in the computer science, they suppose a constant advance in the modern computation, which needs a permanent given evolution the conduct of learning of the today society.

The post, it appears académicamente, dynamic and scientific, for the members of the whole scientific community of the platform STEEMIT.

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The risks of the Nanotechnology for Marta Bermejo Bermejo, ‎Pedro A. Serena Domingo - 2017.

Nanotechnology: new promises new dangers - Page 158. for Toby Shelley - 2.

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