Natural Treatments for Scabies or Scabies


The skin is the main organ of the human body, protector of all internal parts, sensitive and exposed to many conditions caused by various factors or agents. Microorganisms are the primary cause of many diseases that occur in the skin, including one of them Scabies or also known as Scabies.

¿What is Scabies or Scabies?

It is a disease of the skin, caused by a microorganism (Sarcoptes scabiei) or better known as mite, they can live for months on the skin, reproduce and lay their eggs on the skin surface, where they form a laceration that itches.


They are easily proliferated and the infection is basically skin-to-skin, which is why many cases of scabies in the world are reported.

¿How does it happen?

After the female fecundates, it finds a path in the skin to lay its eggs and die. Soon the eggs hatch and the new generation of mites is ready to reproduce. It is because of the reproduction of them that the affected person is scratched by day, but with more intensity at night causing even a bleed. Source

Mites have favorite places to breed and develop, among the most frequent being the hands, feet, abdomen, legs, in women on the nipples and under the breasts.



Not many symptoms that are evident in this annoying and unpleasant suffering but among them this rash and itching, while the intensity of the scratching can cause sores that become infected and therefore cause scarring.


Scabies can be prevented by avoiding direct skin to skin, contact with people with a history of the disease, with the non-use of clothing or bedding that has been used by a contagious person.

Natural Treatments:

  • Placing cold compresses on the affected area will calm the itching and rash.

  • Place directly on the area affected by mange gel of fresh aloe, leave on for half an hour and then rinse with warm water, this procedure should be performed preferably several times a day.


It has been repeatedly proven that aloe vera possesses healing antimicrobial properties, which help to accelerate the healing process, helping to minimize the symptoms of irritation caused by skin rashes, insect bites, scabies, among others.Source

  • It can be unpleasant, but rubbing with onions in the affected area helps to reduce the itching sensation and helps eliminate the mites that cause the rashes.


  • Another powerful antimicrobial is white vinegar (or commercial vinegar), dilute 100ml of vinegar in 100ml of water, impregnate a cotton ball and rub in the affected areas, leave for 10 minutes and then remove with warm water helps to fight the mites causing scabies.

  • The antimicrobial properties of Neem have also been proven (Azadirachta indica). Take some neem leaves and boil them in water, let it cool and take a spoonful at least 4 times a day, to increase its effectiveness also apply with a cotton ball on the affected areas and let it dry.


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Pay more attention to our health.


Autora: Lcda. Luciana Malave


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