Natural Treatments for Diabetes


With terrible figures is the Diabetes one of the diseases with the highest death rates worldwide. Its pharmacological treatment is expensive and difficult to obtain, so the use of a natural treatment is considered to minimize the symptoms.

What we should know initially:

The glucose (sugar) comes from the food we eat. It is a hormone called insulin responsible for carrying the sugar contained in the blood to the cells of the body that is later transformed into the energy we use.

There are some types of diabetes, when the body produces too little or no insulin (Type 1 diabetes), so patients are directly dependent on insulin injections to control blood sugar levels, it is evident in children, young people and young adults. Source.

Meanwhile, when the body produces little insulin or the amount is not necessary to be used by the cells, high levels of blood sugar are triggered (Type 2 diabetes).

During pregnancy some women can develop a type of diabetes called, (Gestational Diabetes), so that the control in these months must be very rigorous in view of compromising the health status of the fetus. Usually this condition disappears after delivery.


This accumulation of sugar in the blood can cause major health problems, such as a decrease in blood flow, loss of visual acuity, poor healing of wounds, kidney disease, cardiac arrest, stroke.

To reduce the likelihood of suffering, we recommend a balanced diet, reduce the consumption of sugars and carbohydrates, exercise and control body weight.


Despite the fact that pharmacological treatments have been established with which blood sugar levels are regulated, these do not necessarily have to be the only ones used for the control and reduction of the symptoms caused by this condition.

Natural Treatments:

• Make a tea with clean guava leaves, cook for a few minutes in half a liter of water, strain, chill and drink, it is recommended to eat between 2 or 3 times a day.


Ingesting the infusion made with guava leaves helps lower blood sugar levels, apart from strengthening the immune system, balancing cholesterol and triglycerides and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

• Swallow an infusion made with mango leaves on an empty stomach, basically to soak the leaves in warm water overnight, strain and drink in the morning.


Its effectiveness has been proven in diabetic patients, since it stimulates the pancreas to the production of insulin and glycogen, regulating sugar levels, improving blood pressure and preventing heart disease.

• Make a mixture between a glass of milk and 1 or 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, shake well and take daily fasting.


Recognized for its wide use as a natural pharmacological agent, aloe vera or aloe vera is also used in remedies for the control and reduction of the symptoms of diabetes.

• In a liter of water, place 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and let simmer for a few minutes, take 2 to 3 times a day. Like eating cinnamon in milk or coffee.


It has been proven that its components are effective to improve the function of insulin in the body and also evidence the reduction of blood glucose levels.


Life must be lived fully and pleasantly.
Pay more attention to our health.

Author: Lcda. Luciana Malave


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