In the world of counterfeiting, it is difficult to tell fakes from real items. Scientist found a new way to stamp things with “atomic finger prints” which help to reduce fake or phony products. Counterfeit is a crime which cuts profits of an original product or item sometimes up to fifty percentage of its value
Atomic finger prints make use of Bohr’s model for its application. Bohr’s explained an usual event when electric current flows through a gaseous, the gas produces a glowing light like neon sign. When this light is passed through a prism pattern of lines appears with each line having a different colour, the pattern depends on the element. In Bohr’s model, the lines are caused by electrons jumps from higher to lower energy levels. The energy produces the lines that are seen because the energy levels in each element are different; each element has a unique set of lines which is a sort of atomic finger print. These lines can be used to identify known element which is further improved to identify authenticity of a product.
Atomic finger prints involve intentionally fabricating flaws into an atom. Thin layer of a material for example (grapheme oxide) which is often woven into items. For example an hydrogen atom can be create a unique pattern on a product to make counterfeiting of the product impossible
When this is achieved, the material is added to an ink used for printing hologram onto the product. The presence of the atomic pattern can be identified by using a Smartphone camera and its built in flash to photograph the label


When this is achieved, atoms present in the atomic finger print because of the flash and glow showing unique colours based on the unique pattern they were created on. The image taken can be analyzed using a Smartphone software application to confirm the item authenticity
[source](https: en.wikipedia.org)

This will help reduce counterfeit items or products been circulated in the world. Application of this atomic finger prints to most industry like automotive industry followed by pharmaceutical industry where there is high number of counterfeit products.Example


New anti –counterfeit method published online in ArXiv, the open-access preprint journal from Cornell University
www.livescience.com/ atomicfingerprint
schoold.bbb.k12.ga.us/ …/

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