Let's talk about Global Warming!!!

All around the world today, there has been a very noticeable change in climate; either an increase or a decrease in temperature and this is a result of Global Warming.

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It has caused a lot of changes on the earth over time; sea levels rising, forests dying and animals losing their habitats. Most of this is a result of human activities and industrial activities leading to a release of green house gases into the atmosphere at a much higher rate.

Scientists often use the term "climate change" instead of global warming. This is because as the Earth's average temperature climbs, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas, warm others, and change the amount of rain and snow falling. As a result, the climate changes differently in different areas.

Global warming is the change of the earth's average surface temperature and it's oceans due to green house effect.

The green house effect is the warming that occurs when green house gases such as carbon-dioxide and methane in the atmosphere trap heat. So, the more green house gases are in the atmosphere, the more heat gets trapped and this leads to an increase in global warming.

Causes of global warming

Due to the increase in industrialization, burning of fossil fuels and other activities that lead to emission of green house gases, humans have been the main reason for this increase in global warming.

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Burning of fossil fuels and deforestation have been pinpointed as the major causes of global warming.

When fuels are burnt either to generate electricity or to power our cars, carbon-dioxide is emmited into the atmosphere and due to the high rate of electricity generated and the amount of fuels burnt daily, the emmision of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere is occuring at a much higher rate.

Deforestation has been on a rapid increase due to man's need for space to build infrastructure and also the use of forest's produce.

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This has a negative effect on global warming in that plants are needed for the absorption of carbon-dioxide and the release of oxygen into the atmosphere but due to lack of trees and these green plants most of the green house gases emitted due to human activity is just left trapped I n the atmosphere and this of course leads to an increase in global warming.

To curb the continual increase in global warming, there should be a reduction in the use of fuels such as coal and gas in the generation of electricity and an increase in the utilization of cleaner and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.

Also, the prevention of deforestation and also afforestation and reforestation are important steps in the fight against global warming.

Global warming has a lot of negative effects such as;

  • Droughts,

  • Hurricanes,

  • Wildfires,

  • Extinction on endangered species,

  • Melting of polar ice caps,

  • Storms,

  • Threatens wildlife,

  • Food shortage.

From these effects listed, Global warming will definitely affect everyone in one way or the other, so it is up to You; yes, you and I to prevent the world from burning due to global warming in the near future.*

The future of the earth is in our hands!!!

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What is global warming

Facts about global warming

Causes of global warming

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