ROOTS PLANT how to caring to plant.

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Very glad to meet you again. Today we going to continue discuss about agriculture. This article developed as serial agriculture discussion. The last episode article are STEM GROWTH and secret seeds of selection and LEAF LANGUAGE information center and broadcasting system Resteem this article, support Steemeducation, Science and Professional village organic agriculture, enjoy....


Root is a very important part for stand up a tree / plant, has a very busy task and a central function as a manager of food management that will be delivered to the leaves through the stem. The limitations of farmers in recognizing crops sometimes make trouble for roots, especially farmers who use chemical fertilizers, by sprinkling fertilizer just above the roots or excessive fertilizer or incorrectly giving the type of fertilizer that is not needed by the plant.

On the other hand, when farmers do not understand the roots of plants, it means the plant grows in its own way without the help of other parties (farmers). Then what will the farmers get ...? results that are not maximal or even not yield at all. Excess of an element can lead to an imbalance of nutrients and will affect the development of the plant to the abnormal growth.

Basically, early root developments determined by good and correct soil preparation, especially young plant roots such as corn, beans, papaya and etc. Good soil treatment aims to facilitate the roots in the exploration of food. But in this article, just focus on plant roots. The tillage will continue in the next article

This article aims to understand about the Plant Roots such as types of roots, root structure, root functions and root ways of working. So we understand what happens to a plant and how to treat it. The description of plant roots in this discussion aims to provide a simple understanding that is easily understood in accordance with the needs and conditions of the exposure spaces available here.


Question : Why should we study plant roots ..?
Answered : In the knowledge of plant roots, we will understand all the preparations that must be done in order to help root growth well. Especially in early growth until the plant is considered to have passed adolescence.

In general, plant roots consist of two groups, namely monocotyledon root and dicotyledon root.
The dicotyledon root has a riding form that penetrates straight into the soil. And the root of this type is very strong hold the tree trunk.
Monocotyledon roots, often referred to as fibrous and monocotyledon roots can extend far from the stem and in principle monocotyledons have a hard (strong) stem.
The main function of the root is to search for food and then transfers through the stem, branches with some sorting process on the way up to the leaves. And the leaves do a good job. Furthermore, roots must also be systematic and systemic in developing themselves, because tree trunks rely heavily on roots as a whole and root support also have a special task to read the environment. That is, with his knowledge of his environment then the roots can adjust his strength on the ground.


When you have an idea to plant the idea is certainly based on the goals you want, then you choose the type of plant. actually not many plants have similarities in the treatment, of course you have to learn how he began to grow. And from the roots will determine the technical treatment of these plants. So let us understand some kind of roots and how they grow. It's shown in figure 1.

Actually, in general view there are many types of plant roots but basically that distinguishes the species is the source of the root occurs and the way of growth. On this occasion we will discuss four types of roots as shown in the figure 2.
The explain each type of root showing as :
(a) Fibrous Roots System, a root, as in most grasses, having numerous, very fine branches of approximately the same length. a root system that consists of very fine branches.
(b)Tap Root, a main root descending downward from the radicle and giving off small lateral roots.
(c) Prop Roots, an adventitious root that supports the plant, as the aerial roots of the mangrove tree or of corn.
(d) Adventitious Roots,A root growing from a location other than the underground, descending portion of the axis of a plant, as from a stem or leaf. [1]

Structure Regional Roots.
A piece of root that extends to the right side, left, circular and which penetrates into the ground requires considerable strength. Root journey in the soil is an important mission in collecting food resources needed by a tree, for that purpose not all roots have the same opportunity. Roots that do not have enough conditions for a long journey will end as far as their abilities. Particularly at the roots of the ladder, each newly grown root branch is very well prepared including support from other tree parts such as the addition of leaves and branches. The newly grown root has a regional structure as shown in Figure 3.
The regional divisions of such development can be explained as follows:
(a) Regional Maturation, the proximal region to the zone of elongation. (b) Regional meristematic activity, visible above root cover, the cells are very small. (c) Regional elongation, just above the meristematic region, cells undergo a rapid process for elongation and enlargement, this region is responsible for the growth of its long roots. (d) Hair Roots, very fine as threads are formed from epidermal cells. (e) Root Hats, aimed at protecting the root peak. [2] [3] [4]

Anatomy of Plant Root
Let us finish our discussion of plant roots in a very interesting discussion that is about the inside of a piece of root or also called the anatomical root of the plant. By knowing this part our understanding of the roots of the plant becomes intact, so we are able to make a correct decision on the state of the plant, because in a chain of needs and support between plants, animals and humans we have the ability to manage them. How to shape the inside of a piece, let us consider the anatomy of plant roots as shown in figure 4.[5]

(a) Phloem, the part of a vascular bundle consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma, and fibers and forming the food-conducting tissue of a plant.
(b) Xylem,a compound tissue in vascular plants that helps provide support and that conducts water and nutrients upward from the roots, consisting of tracheids, vessels, parenchyma cells, and woody fibers.
(c) Cortex Pharenchyma Cells, the portion of a stem between the epidermis and the vascular tissue bark the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole.
(d) Root Hair, an elongated tubular extension of an epidermal cell of a root, serving to absorb water and minerals from the soil.
(e) Endodermis, a specialized tissue in the roots and stems of vascular plants, composed of a single layer of modified parenchyma cells forming the inner boundary of the cortex.
(f) Apical Meristems. (Left) The shoot apical meristem of Hypericum uralum appears at the topmost aspect of the stem. Immediately behind the apical meristem are three regions of primary meristematic tissues. (Right) The root apical meristem appears immediately behind the protective root cap. Three primary meristems are clearly visible just behind the apical meristem. [1][6] [2]

Agricultural activities are very close to humans, whether business or pleasure. In general, these activities are limited to planting and maintaining but never knowing exactly what is being done. Plants are living beings, they speak a universal language (a language that can only be understood with understanding) and always talk about the situation.
Understanding plants is a very important part when we take a decision to adopt it as part of our daily lives. Then how to do ...? understand and recognize him better and truly responsibly.
Through this medium, I try to explain parts of parts of plants such as seeds, leaves, roots, fore about stems and so on, with simple sentences easily understood. It's also a green campaign so everyone understands the responsibility for another life that has been part of our lives.
Thank you for reading my post, if you support the green campaign, please do resteem.

Reference :
[2]NIOS Biology Ch-6 Root System
[3]Wikipedia - Root
[4]Wikipedia - Root system
[6]Apical Meristem


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