LEAF LANGUAGE information center and broadcasting system

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Very glad to meet you again. Today we going to continue discuss about agriculture. This article developed as serial agriculture discussion. The last episode article STEM GROWTH and secret seeds of selection. Resteem this article, support steemSTEM, Science and Profesional village organic agriculture, enjoy....


Leaves are the most important part of the plant in sustaining its life. on a tree can consist of millions and even billions of leaves, generally in a single-rooted plant class, but there are also plants with only a few leaves, and that is a feature of fiber-grade root plants. The size and number of leaves on a tree is also often used as a medium to read the character of a tree. for example we find a piece of leaf that is old with a size of 1 cm, then certainly the leaves are from large trees and hard. And vice versa, large leaves show soft tree trunks. Although this statement is not all true because there are some big trees but the stem is soft so it can not be used for human purposes.

Among the leaflets functions that will be discussed specifically on several sessions in this article, there is something interesting and rarely defined, namely a leaf that becomes the center of information from the plant itself. That is, the leaves can be used as a source of analysis on the development of plants. This is very interesting because a leaf can explain to us with a universal language and can be understood easily, and I call it leaf language.


Leaves are part of a tree that is very sensitive, if the leaves are disrupted such as pests and diseases then it can be ascertained all the instruments of a tree in an emergency. Picking a leaf (like a sweet potato leaves to eat) is different from a leaf that is eaten by a caterpillar or attacked by a disease. If the leaves are picked intact then the tree immediately replaces with new leaves, but if the leaf is damaged (by pest) then all elements of the tree work hard to fix it until the leaves are healed. And what if the attack happens sporadically we can imagine the emergence of a tree.


Leaves have a structure with a wide function. In general, the leaves are dominated by chlorophyll, also known as green leaf substance consisting of several types of algae that are responsible for absorbing solar energy by photons, then transferred to electrons in a process called charge separation through oxidation reactions. Chlorophyll has a variety of types and each type of chlorophyll has its own chemical formula, such as type A chlorophyll commonly mentioned with the formula CIMH72O5N4Mg. [1]

Leaf structure has several definitive layers with each function. The structure consists of: (a) epidermis, a cellular network on its wall has been thickened by chitin and lignin. epidermis serves as a protector of leaf organs, limiting evaporation, storing water reserves, absorbing nutrients and diffusion of carbon and carbon dioxide. (b) mesophyte (the basic tissue) of two stretched networks of palisade and parenchymal cells, their function to petrify the photosentesis process. (c) vascular tissue of the leaf is present in the leaf bone. (d) an additional network composed of gland cells and crystalline cells. [2] [3]

Mnemonic Definition [4]
Upper Epidermis, located on the top and bottom layers of the leaves. function, to protect the cell layer
Palisade Parenchyma, located on the top and bottom surfaces of the leaves, function, keep the air evaporation
Spongy Parenchyma, located on the lower side of the leaf. loosely regulated chloroplast function.
Lower Epidermis, located on the lower surface layer of the leaves. function to protect the cell layer
Cuticle, the very thin layer of the outer surface of epidermal cells. leaf surface cover function.
Collenchyma, a modified tissue layer of cells that thicken at an angle and usually elongated.
Phloem, part of a vascular bundle consisting of a sieve tube, a companion cell, parenchyma, and fiber and tissue-feeding forms of a single plant.
Xylem, network. the function of transferring air and nutrients upward from the roots.
Cell guards one of two specialized epidermal cells that flank the stomata pores and are usually open and closed.


Leaves are the most vulnerable part of getting pests and diseases. Particularly pest attacks, with all the characteristics of leaves as described above, leaves are sources of food that meet the nutritional standards for animals and humans. The smell of leaf chlorophyll makes pests hungry and is never enough to devour all the leaves. Pests that do not directly eat the leaves, also feel the leaf is the most ideal place to breed because of the adequacy of nutrition for prospective children. While other attacks come from diseases carried by pests such as parasites, bacteria and viruses. And what is so sad for the leaves is the sporadic attack that consumes all the leaves so that the tree can not survive. [5][6]

Then, what does a tree do to maintain its survival ...? no revenge and no counterattack. He works hard to make endless improvements and build new hope through new leaves even if they do not escape attack. And God helped him with predators like birds, as well as rainwater with the nutritional combat that came with him.[7]


Very many pests have the potential to attack the leaves of the plant, as well as the availability of the antidote. Manufacturers of toxic pesticide makers continue to innovate to create superior products. Then what to fear with all this ?.

Human resources, about the ability to understand the application of the use of toxins, low knowledge can increase the negative effects received by plants, people, the environment also to himself when working.

Then how to behave ...?
(a) Enhance the science of agriculture, especially leaves, pests, potentials, attack effects, ways of handling and understanding of instruments of application.
(b) Not relying on treatment after an attack occurs because of shock and panic. Preferably, preventing attacks from the outset should be a systematic and measurable priority.
(c) Prioritize natural action and treatment with organic farming methods as it becomes safer and more comfortable.
(d) Establish good agricultural management to develop all activities, actions with the right and right.
(e) Ensure competent consulting agencies to help solve any problems encountered.


Let's understand the work we do well and correctly. Especially our agricultural work is dealing with living beings with enormous challenges. We also have family and family expectations of each of our generation and we need success for the best of production.

Learning and continuing to learn to complement our lack of knowledge is the solution. I have described lengths above as much detail as I can because of space limitations. Of course this article is just as an opening for you to know which door to go.

Finally I would like to convey, happy work and oriented to professional endeavor. And continue to follow this blog because I will explore thoroughly one by one discussion concerning agriculture. thanks.


Always Creative and Inovative with SteemSTEM and SCIENCE


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