SteemSTEM Article Collection. Mind you?

Ladies and gentlemen, all those interested in the rich human psyche and a systemic view of human coexistence: here I have made a compilation of my steem-STEM articles for you (not a complete collection, but still a considerable part). Since I had the need to give shape to my scientific articles again and they threaten to get lost in the Blockchain, may this collection serve your edification or refresh it. My blog reflects my experiences and my attitude to life.

I'm almost a year on steemit and so it's time to sum up a little. If you ever were "hit" by a long comment of mine: apologies! Or: you are welcome:) steemit's vast space offers many opportunities for research and for dealing in depth with topics. At this point I would like to thank all those who have expanded my knowledge and provide rich - heavy, juicy, tasty, smelly, bright and dark - insights with their content. Thank you for engaging with me on my articles and on discord. I am a learner as well as a teacher and see interpersonal communication as a constantly feeding element in this complex thing called "world". I would like to become a better asker, meaning to formulate "disturbing" questions. That's actually a challenge towards a lazy and also hesitant mind.

I look forward to further exchanges with you.

Also, I heartily thank the @steemstem team for the steady support to us writers as well as the @utopian-io team, which recently started supporting the STEM community.

Warm greetings to all of you.

I have no doubts that you share with me the conviction that the central problems of today are societal. On the otherhand, the gigantic problem-solving conceptual apparatus that evolved in our Western culture is counterproductive not only for solving but essentially for perceiving social problems. One root for our cognitive blind spot that disables us to perceive social problems is the traditional explanatory paradigm which rests on two operations: One is causation, the other one deduction. It is interesting to note that something that cannot be explained—that is, for which we cannot show a cause or for which we do not have a reason—we do not wish to see. In other words, something that cannot be explained cannot be seen. - Heinz von Förster - CYBERNETICS OF CYBERNETICS source

“Anything said is said by an observer.”

“Anything said is said to an observer."

Heinz von Förster


Good questioning and becoming a creative interviewer

You think it's easy to ask "good" questions? I would say: to the contrary.
Questioning is a high art as I have learned through my education becoming a systemic integrative consultant for family- and social matters.

What indeed are questions supposed to do? Are they designed for that you give the "best", "quickest", "smartest" answer to them? Are they a tool for gaining knowledge and insight? What if questions are to be asked in order to irritate you?

In this article I will state that the latter is the case. At least when it comes to questions which should help you to solve a problem. Among other systemic question techniques I am going to focus on the concept of circularity


The construction loving Master Mind

Do you think that people are really crazy sometimes? And that they're thinking weird thoughts?
Well. You do that, too. I am sorry.

Some of my clients are strongly convinced that "the world is unfair". This had in some cases hardened even more so from recent happenings. It became their reality in which they are giving prove to what is present and will come next (because it always happened in the past, too). This believe - to be a victim - effects their human encounters to the extend that more problems arise.


About System theory and the integrative look on life

You are not as objective thinking as you might assume


I'm sure you've asked yourself the question in your life: why me? Why now? Why is this happening to me? By the way, you only ask yourself that kind of question every time something bad happens to you. As far as you won the lottery, you wouldn't ask yourself that first, but perhaps you would not be able to believe your luck. I would like to give answers to these questions, insofar as the knowledge of "why" is often overemphasized. In this article I will discuss the systemically integrative approach that I practice in my work as a consultant. Firstly, I examine the "systemic" and in the second part, the "integrative"aspect. Have fun reading!


Is it more profitable to suffer than to let go of a problem?

I am talking about "problems" and once again about "paradoxical missions". First of all, I would like to mention a few pioneers in the field of systemic therapy and then I will talk about my own examples and views from my work with clients as a systemic integrative consultant for family and social affairs. Also I recommend a very unique movie, including a sex doll.
That "problems equals solutions" may not be heard for the first time by those who regularly find themselves confronted with problems in their work, such as a teacher dealing with a disturbing student. Or a biologist with a resistant virus strain. The solution for the teacher is the teacher and the solution for the virus is an effective remedy.


Please, disturb! A Tribute to annoyances

When you think about the concept of "disorder", what comes to mind spontaneously?
Generally speaking, we understand the word as something negative. Something to kill our nerves.
But if you look at the disturbance in a neutral way, it has a very useful function. I want to layout this to you in more depth and I will first talk in a light way before I will get to the point in a psychological manner.


WHAT'S A TETRALEMMA and what is it good for?

We in the West are accustomed to dealing with the "dilemma" and it dominates our way of thinking to a very high degree. Next time you see yourself caught between the "either, or" question, remember that there is also a "neither, nor" and not least a "what else?" Tetralemma is a method to escape duality. How often do you come across "either, or" statements like: "if you are not for me, you are against me". Can you still count the arguments where it was said: "Now make up your mind. Are you pro or contra weapons possession?"

This form of debate leaves no room for a deeper discussion of an issue. It is accompanied by the feelings of the participants and if you examine it, you realize that it wasn't so much about the matter as about the relationship between the participants of a discussion round.


Family problems?

A constellation could help. How to get a playful perspective with dolls and a wooden board. Have you ever made a drawing of your relationships? In particular those with your family and got an instant insight about it? No? Or do you find it unusual to approach the core of a thing by means of the method of drawing or arranging? Than I would like you to offer the systemic integrative method of a "family board".


My first "shrink" pick: Alfred Alder

What came after the analyst couch

In the 1950s, psychotherapy was still a matter between two people: therapist and client. The rules of abstinence were very strict and for a long time no therapist dared to ask relatives of the client for a conversation. But the image of a therapist in quiet privacy, with his client removed from the rest of (social) reality, began to make some practitioners sceptical. Thus, the view that a person could have a problem all by himself, and that this problem could only be solved by analysing himself/herself, was too limited.


Moving between absolute thrills and deadly boredom

Sounds familiar? Then you might need a little exercise in finding middle ground.
I would like to invite you to some brain exercise and to introduce you to one of my favorite methods: "The square of values". It's nice not only to work with clients but also on your own, when it comes to a particular difficulty that you will encounter in your life again and again.

In the systemic notion or Gestalt psychology and its holistic view we do not look at a fixed point, but rather develop the idea of a dynamic balance; similarly as we know it from the concept of yin and yang. The value square corresponds to this holistic conception of dynamic processes.


Would you like to make 100 Grand?

One morning, when we did a group exercise in which we students spread out in the room and came to sit at a certain place, I ended up in her seat. I hesitated briefly to sit down, but then did so. From the gaze of my classmate I could immediately tell that my behaviour was already a border crossing for her and she asked me to leave her chair.
What happened to the innocent chair?


Prescribing a symptom

Or how doing exactly what has become a problem, can help the problem. Huh?

I want to introduce to you my favorites of systemic integrative consulting: 1. Paradoxical intervention and 2. Impact method. A significant part is to irritate or surprise clients with tasks and questions that they do not expect. Like: "Please argue with your loved one every evening at exactly eight o' clock".



"Physics may tell us that music is air pressure fluctuations, and neurophysiology may describe the resulting nerve activity that arises when sound hits the eardrum, but it would be completely misleading to assume that music could be so adequately captured. Their mystery and reality slip through the wide gauges of the scientific network."
Quote by Professor John Polkinghorne

In this article I will rely on science, religion & myself.
I will make them make love with each other.
I asked myself the fundamental question: Is this about "reason" and "unreason"? Is there such a "thing" as religion and science? These two spheres of life seem to break down into what I call events.


Who's that bunch of people in your head?

How to meet the highest authority in yourself.

If you are interested in making your encounters with people - at work or in private - in such a way that you want to reduce the moments of exaggerated review and think, act and feel more contented in the present moment, it is extremely useful to consult your highest inner authority at the moment of emergence. To increase the frequency of this method so that you don't fall into rags afterwards and circle around mentally.

Who's really the boss in your attic room? Who are all the others in there?

If there's an observer looking at these parts, who are you?
If there is an inner team - according to Schulz von Thun , then there must be something like a "team leader" who perceives our personality shares and makes decisions. I call this leadership personality the "supreme authority".


Your raising - my upbringing

What's important after parents split up

Separation of couples with children - Learn to communicate & understand
Split or divorced parents who share the right of care and contact for their child are faced with the task of regularly talking to each other and making important decisions for their child together. The topic here is said to be that conflicts often occur, especially if the parents have very fundamental differences in their parenting style [1], upbringing habits and values.

Dad's an idiot and mum is a bitch - part two

Uncooperative children? "I hate you!" "You're an idiot!"
In fact, parents who want to convince each other of the correctness of their methods of raising achieve that they have a child who does not want to adapt sufficiently in their parental environment, who opposes or questions the demands that one as a parent places on it. Because it learns that the statements made by the other person about his mother or father are an attack on his integrity. The child rightly feels at the centre of these attacks and does the only thing that is proper: it points out to the adults that something is wrong.

From horror to humor scenario - part three

Exercises designed to raise awareness of how parents can react to awkward communication efforts, except with insecurity or anger.

Picture sources from top down:

Microphone: Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash
Orange: Photo by Cody Davis on Unsplash
Old fashioned cartoon robot:
Family board: My own picture
Freuds Couch: By Robert Huffstutter on flickr
Master Joda: - altered from:
Connecting the dots: made by myself with powerpoint
Pink lights: Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
Adam & Eve 1:

logo by @nitesh9 , @foundation and @steemit devs/designers. To find out more about the steemstem community, visit

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