Adventures in Cognitive Science 9: Final Post and Overview


This is my last post in this series. It was quite an interesting experience for me to write about the field I'm studying in a manner that everyone can understand it (hopefully I was successful doing so). I also have to add that I barely scratched the surface of cognitive science and a lot of topics were missing (ironically those topics that I'm more familiar with like computational modelling, artificial intelligence and philosophical issues surrounding those topics). I hope you had fun reading about cognitive science and you learned a bit, I surely learned a lot and maybe I'll do something like this again in the future.

Here's an overview about the articles I wrote and a short summary:

IntroductionA little introduction into cognitive science and what is this “cognition”, I'm talking about.
What Role the Body plays in CognitionWhat is “embodiment” and how is the body related to cognition.
What's that Thing called Embodiment?More about embodiment, especially what kind of body can be embodied.
Mirror Neurons – Towards understanding OthersWhat are mirror neurons and why are they so interesting for cognition.
How is Perception linked with Action?Here I present the “common coding theory”, a theory that suggest that actions and perceptions are much closer linked that initially thought.
How the Brain simulates ActionsHere I present the “neural simulation theory”, an approach to linking actions with perceptions from neuroscience.
How Language interferes with ActionsHere I present the “action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE)”, an interesting effect that shows how language can influence actions.
Language, Simulations and their Role in CognitionHere I present the “language and situated simulation (LASS) theory”, a theory about how language and simulations lead to the representation of knowledge.
Language and ConceptsHere I present the “theory of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models (LCCM)”, a theory about the influence of language on the representation of concepts.
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