Long and Honest Open Letter to "STEM Complainers" - Short Version: Fcuk Off!

Yesterday it was intense on Discord and several highly respected members of the community simply lost the patience.
I lost my patience as well, facing with the special kind of people I know very well.

That kind of people is very frequent in my former country and I lived with such psychological profile for 25 years.

On the other hand, those people who established the STEM community are kind people, used to live in highly developed countries, where the laws are respected and they all worked in nice places with the intellectual elite, so they don't know how to handle you.

But I know you and have no problem to tell you directly.

I know all your excuses and arguments, so let's begin.

My post is gooood, and some post earned moooore :( !!!

Let me tell you honestly: Your post is junk in 99% of cases

If your post is good - why it didn't get 100 $, spontaneously?
Have it got 10$ maybe? No, not even 10?
Maybe 1$?

Nooooo... Your super post, the pinnacle of the popular science earned 0.10 $. But you want STEM Support for 100 $.

But my post is researcheeeed :( !!!

No, your post is the conglomerate of some daily newspapers, Wiki and basic reasoning in 99% of cases.

Do you write about the animals as @amavi ? And she is doing an amazing job every single time.
Do you write a review grade posts like @lesshorible or @sco? They can publish it with some polishing in some low-rank scientific journal. Do you even have the knowledge to write in such style?
Maybe you are producing the original work, full of passion, like @dber?

No! No you don't! You want to earn by writing some soft biography, with all the pointless sentences already written 100 times. Come on, time for the new post about Darwin... A whole day and no Darwin.
You also want to write something for elementary school and present it as the science. What is the value of that?

But... I know you, you want to earn 100 000 $ by doing a mediocre work in a day or less.
And even then - you would complain. It could be 200 000 $ and half a day :(

But people don't want to vote for meeee. And I'm smaaart :(

It's true! I don't want to vote for you.
This is a free market. I vote what I like and what I find to be valuable.
I have the list of my favorite authors and I will vote for them every time.

You have two options:

  1. Write something amazing. Something extraordinary.
  2. Find a new niche, be original

But I should earn mooore :(

Seriously? Do you want a monthly salary for 15 min of easy work?
Yes, you do, I know you...

Let me tell you a thing. In Eastern Europe, people do scientific research for a whole month for about 5 steem per day. And those are qualified people, with M.Sc. or Ph.D.

In Central Europe, they work for about 10 Steem per day.

Pray to God that those peoples (thousands of very smart, well-educated people) don't find out what the SteemIt is.

When they do, you will start getting 0.00 $.

But they earn moooore :( !!!

So what!!!

How much do you earn in "real life"?

If I worked in Serbia, for 40 years, my whole life, I would earn about 500.000 $

Thousands upon thousands of singers, athletes... earn that in a year!

That's the life, deal with it!

Here, the top post can earn 1000 $. My post can make 25 $. It's 40:1 ratio - that is the fairest fair.

Now, let me ask you something

How the money (Steem) is generated?

Someone is voting for you, someone has some voting power.

What is your voting power? Multiply by 10.
That is the amount you could expect for your post:

100 Power = 0.17 $
1000 Power = 1.66 $
5000 Power = 8.30 $

And how much do you earn from the community?

Go to the https://steemworld.org/ and see who is providing you earnings.

STEM, Right?

Be fair at least, damn!

But I know your sort of people, you don't understand the word "fair", you only know "envy".

Do something for the community or Fcuk off!

You want to write 15 min post and earn as much as good authors?

You don't care to give your votes to the community (0.01$, but the principle)?

You don't care to power-up and grow?

You don't advertise the STEM?

And you dare to harass people with your shitty posts and weird sense of justice?

Fcuk off! Nobody needs you

I know you! I don't need you

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