Autocross - Why ANYONE can get into it

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SteemSports Presenter: @nelkeljdm

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SteemSports Editor and Founder: @thecryptodrive [Steem Witness]

It is my pleasure to welcome @nelkeljdm, a Japanese Sports and Supercar appreciator, collector, amateur racer and avid Youtube blogger with nearly 2,300 subscribers on his channel. He has now joined Steem to share his life and fun-packed experiences on his personal blog and will be writing for @steemsports to kickstart our Motorsports Edition.

2018 Promises to be the year of @steemsports, with a fresh new approach and exhilirating new content, as well as some upcoming "top secret" development courtesy of @buildteam.

A special thank you to @beekart for some great new graphics for our cover image, logo and on adhoc posts.

Let's make 2018 a year to remember, thanks to all our @steemsports fans, keep Steemin'!

What is Autocross?

Autocross is a timed automotive competition which involves a course usually set up in a large open parking lot or a portion of a race track.The course is configured using cones which are positioned in order to give direction around the track. These cones often vary in size and are laid specifically to show slaloms, turns and 360' doughnuts. For every cone knocked, you have a second or two added to your final course time.

A laid out course often takes anywhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to complete. Allowing the driver enough time to enjoy themselves and hone their skills within a controlled environment.

One thing you will learn quite quickly is that it doesn't always come down to what car you are driving, as it will be predominantly be based on driver skill. For example, someone might have a 450hp Nissan Silvia S15 and run the course in 1 minute 11 seconds and a standard 300hp Subaru Impreza STI runs the course in 1 minute 9 seconds. However; in saying this, cars do need to have decent tyres, a working handbrake and a good working braking system to assist.

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Who are you racing against?

The answer is quite simple, you are racing the clock. If it's the first time you are at an Autocross event, don't worry about what each driver is doing around the course, worry about bettering your own time by trying out different driving techniques. I still remember a seasoned racing driver told me one thing I would never forget "If it looks fast, it probably isn't! Smooth is fast!" Try not go too heavy on your accellerator pedal, don't lose focus of your hand placement. Too many a time I've seen people fumbling the wheel, hands crossing over and flying between gear.

Focus on entry speeds coming into a slalam, nothing worse than coming in too hot, unable to make it through the cones and dragging them around to the end of the course.

Once you get the hang of things take a friend with you to the next event and share the car, you can have a bit of competition to see who is the better driver. This will also incentivise you to better yourself each time you go around the course.

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Autocross preparation

Always ensure that you are prepared! Make a list of what you think you might need on the day and check it off the night before the event.

Inspect your braking system, coolant, power steering fluid and oil. Ensure you have tighened your wheel nuts - Losing a wheel is not only embarrassing but incredibly dangerous as it could fly off and hit someone in the crowd.

Make sure you have a good nights rest and get to the even early to potentially scout of the layout of the course and even walk yourself through it.

Below are a few items I would strongly suggest taking to an event.

  • Cap
  • Food, you never know what will be served at the event
  • Take lots of drinking fluid, you will more than likely sweat most of it out while driving
  • A helment or borrow a friends
  • Sun Umbrella
  • Basic set of tools
  • Cable Ties (A bumper clip could potentially be damaged by hitting cones and these are life savers!)
  • Tire pressure gauge - You may want to drop your tire pressure during the event for more grip
  • Bring a foldable chair, you never know how long you could wait in between runs
  • Bring along nail polish remover, your car will be numbered with a white marker on your side window. Nothing worse than driving home after a long day on the course and everyone on the highway tries to race you.
  • Take a pen and paper with you, draw out the layout of the course. Stick it to your dash and take the course slow the first time round.

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Have Fun and Always be Safe

In short, Autocross can be incredibly fun and will increase your skills on the street making you a better safer driving by being able to use newly learnt techniques in the real world. Be careful though, it can be quite addictive and before you know it you will be servicing your car in your own driveway and replacing tyres every month!

Video of Autocross event

Curtosy of Merc Films YouTube Channel

Curtosy of Sherman Garcia YouTube Channel

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