Ideas for 2018 Steemit Silver Coin Design!

3 Days Left to get your designs entered in the contest. The winner will get their artwork reproduced on a limited edition Steem Silver Coin that will be sent out Worldwide! Don't worry if you can't draw very well just do your best we are all here to help, it's the creative mind that we really want to gleam for genius ideas!

This is my top design so far symbolising anarchy against the 9to5 Rat Run freedom to say what you want and revolution in the way we live our lives :-)

The Wikipedia post on Anarchy is worth a read it has some amazing quotes from intelligent people throughout history. Anarchism means that you should be free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose upon you."


Don't worry if all you have is a felt tip pen, it will do for now! Here's my design for Freedom Anarchy Revoulution, it's slightly neater than the last one but still not perfect I've got limited anatomical skill.


This is another design I'm working on but don't really know where it's going? If you have any thoughts or ideas about my designs to improve them please let me know in the comments below, I want your feedback!


I wish I started work on this sooner so I didn't feel so rushed. I don't know where this design is going and it takes me ages before I'm happy with anything I've drawn.


If you know any artists or designers who might be interested then let them know and tag them below, the more the merrier!! Check out @phelimint page for more info.

Libertas = Freedom

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