We have a winner for the GIF contest for 5 free shares to Goldmonkey!!


What’s going on everyone? The weekend is finally here! So I took on a new job at work and I am starting to regret it. A lot more hours and a lot more busier, hopefully it doesn’t but a strain on my steemit time but it’s looking like it’s going to. So if you don’t see me posting as frequent as I usually do that’s why. But I gotta do what I gotta do!

I started a GIF contest last week and I will announce the winner now. The GIF was supposed to be of a epic fail and I had 4 entries. The winner will receive 5 shares to Goldmonkey.

  1. @robinsonr810
  2. @rentmoney
  3. @plaid
  4. @kerrislravenhill

And the winner is...


Congratulations @plaid, you will receive your 5 shares today! The membership list will be updated to show your shares!


Thanks to everyone that entered!!

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