MPM 1oz silver multi-strike, antiqued humpback whale round!


Boy, I love Monarch Precious Metals. Not only do they pour and mint some unique silver, they do quality work as well.

For instance, the following 1oz round...


It's one I've had my eye on for a while but at double spot price it was just not in my budget.

But thanks to gambling, and a rube @dfinney, I now possess this awesome round. You see, when the NHL finals were set (Boston vs St. Louis) we made a bet on who would win, with the loser sending the winner this round. Well, I knew St. Louis was going to win so this bet was a no brainer!


Let me explain, I ran an NHL playoff contest when there were eight teams left, so I needed seven players to make it a go. Instead of crypto or fiat, the entry fee was one ounce of silver with the winner getting 5 ounces and the runner up getting 3 ounces.

I also offered all players to send their ounce to me and I would forward it on to the winners. After doing so I was looking over the teams left and which people had which team and I noticed the guy that had St. Louis lives in..... Germany!!

I quickly put two and two together (I offered to ship 8oz of silver + St Louis was a huge underdog) and I just got the feeling that the St Louis Blues were going to be Stanley Cup Champs and I would be mailing 5oz of the shiny to Germany. I even told this premonition to @dfinney when I had it. Really! Just ask her.

Well, @dfinney is a Boston Bruins for some reason and I had a premonition so the bet was set. I took the Blues, obviously.


Just look at the details!


So if you like high quality unique silver products like these...
Head on over to Monarch Precious Metals.

Thanks @dfinney, this round is top notch! 👌


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