First Pawn Shop silver purchase completed!!

After deriving much exciting reading and seeing some of @raybrockman 's finds in pawn shops each week, I set in my mind that I would give this a go in the future.

Some times little shops hold big treasures

Not wanting to travel the 30 minutes to the nearest town with a few pawn shops, this morning I popped into an interesting shop in the town over the river from me. I wish I had taken a picture but will most likely add it to the post later today. Anyhow, it's the bottom floor of an old 4 story building. From the outaide, it's hard to tell exactly what type of business is on the inside but you see a variety of antiques in the window. A very old deli scale is what originally caught my eye and as I began to scan more I saw 3 words that always melt my heart. No not I love you, what type of post do you think this is?! It said "We Buy Gold".

A Very Cool Couple

As I walk in the door of this store, I notice the original hardwood floors and a few other contextual clues that lead me to assume this was once the town's hardware store. They managed to keep the look on the inside similar to how it was originally laid out, which I was thinking at this point and later had confirmed when talking to the owners. The next thing I see is a couple in their mid 30s at the front counter who ask me how I am doing and start some conversation. After about 30 minutes of talking with them and finding out some history of the area, which was super neat, they showed me a few pieces they had received this morning that they would be willing to sell. What they brought out were 2 2015 American Silver Eagle Dollars!! Both came in their original packaging from the mint and with their certificate of authenticity, a major bonus to the deal. They told me they paid $30 for the pair and they would give them to me for $40!!! I couldn't get the cash out quickly enough and immediately scooped them up.
This is 1 of the coins, as they were the same I wanted to get the best pictures possible of these beauties thus only focused on 1 at a time.
An even more crisp beautiful shot of 1 of them. Good laawwwdd.

Moral of the story?

Well, what I learned today is to always be on the lookout for opportunities. Also, I learned that investing time into talking to people and understanding their motives and goals in business can prove to be very helpful in bargaining and coming up with situations that may be beneficial to both parties.
During this visit, I was able to obtain their phone numbers and mentioned that I was interested in any future silver coins that may come in. They are in it strictly at scrap price, and with little knowledge on numismatic values, they said unless they are able to look up the coin online and they know they have a brilliant coin they go with the scrap price. So a mutually beneficial plan was made and hopefully the beginning a nice relationship with some cool people!

Anyone else ever have any experiences like this? Did they work out? Are you involed in a relationship like this now? Any thoughts or comments, leave below. Check out #steemsilvergold . Thanks for reading!

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