No more Milk spots with RCM?

Everyone can agree we hate milk spots right?
Well it seems the Roylal Canadian mint might have figured out how to pervent or deduce them?

The RCM said they have been engaged in a four year process to learn and fix the milk spot problem.

The RCM has come up with this thing called mint shield. They call it a uniqe production process, to reduce occurence. The spots should be invisible to the eye.

The RCM said all Silver Maple Leafs dated 2018 and beyond is protected by mint shield. And that mint shield testing confirmed that it would significantly reduce the “white spots” but they fell short of saying eliminating them.


What do you all think. The RCM really didn’t say what the mint shield is but that the coins are now protected my it. I might buy a couple and wait a few years and see what happens.

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