To comment or not to comment, that is the question!

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of unnecessary attention and spammers,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by just ignoring them all?

Not sure if nailed that or butchered that

Also not sure if you followed, but there was a discussion earlier on discord about if we wanna keep doing the comments, and like all the decisions around here. I'm going to put it to a vote.

The comments help to attract attention, both good and bad, you'd be suprised by the comments in the old post that is linked in Stax's comment. Every couple days there's someone else begging to get in and most of the ambitions ones find there way to the daily posts. Of course pretty much none have any interest in metals or stacking. I do feel were pretty well established these days and may actually have a problem with spammers on our tag, but that's another story.

There were a few votes on the comments and it was appreciated, but never amounted to much, so it's not going to be a big loss. Also some of the comment replies make it harder for me to keep track of the reply's to make sure i'm not missing anything and it's easier to keep convos to Stax's post.

So all in all, I'm leaning towards just scrapping them, but lets put it out there!. As usually there will be two comments from Stax in the replys and vote them accordingly.

Second chance post

I really liked this post HERE from @mikeshuh, He started in interesting conversation about supporting some YouTubers when they came to Steemit. He even provided a few examples, my impression of the whole thing, was that guys who blog and also engage with everyone else do way better. Look at @pit-bullion and most of his crew really. Those guys comment everywhere and they drop some masterful blogs. Where guys like @juniusmaltby who I really like and respect on YouTube, doesn't 'blog' much and mostly shares his videos but also very rarely comments, votes or engages with others. That's the big difference. I would bet even if those guys didn't start blogging and just commented and voted around the tag more, they'd see it pay in dividends on there posts as well. Just my two cents, but the post is worth a read and worth engaging in the comments.

Actually on the topic of comments, I wanted to give everyone around here a big High 5!, I was doing some digging in the stats about why we may be seeing so many spammers on our tag and one very impressive stat was the amount of comments/post around here. The average comments/post is 8.6 which is very high, so looks like we are doing a great job engaging each other

Anyways thanks for stoping in, and please vote regarding the comment

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