Local Silver and Gold shop VS bullion dealer. What did i find??

I like bullion dealers. My two favorite off the top are JM Bullion and Provident metals. However there are many out there that are reputable and offer good prices and more are popping up. Bullion dealers offer safety and security. You know what you're buying, you don't typically have to worry about getting something different than what you were expecting so there's peace of mind in purchasing from bullion dealers. And most often a decent variety also.
But if you're willing to be adventurous and visit local gold and silver shops, you might actually find some really good shops that can provide unique pieces! My favorite part about shopping local is that I can avoid taxes and shipping. The closer I can get to the spot price of the metal that I'm buying the better. Often times are sold by people who either didn't know what they were selling or not interested in silver because maybe it was inherited or whatever the case may be. You can pick up some very interesting pieces for very little over spot price.
For example:

I found these 2 beauties doing just that, took a chance and went to a local gold scrap joint, they seem to be everywhere nowadays, and simply asked if they had any silver for sale. He had a few 90% quarters and dimes and a few odd ounce pieces that i already have. But these two were just there waiting for me! The guy sold it to me as silver with no huge premium although could charge me as if it were a Silver Eagle or Maple Leaf. You know like $3 or $4 over spot. Most fractional coins whether they be gold or silver carry higher premium so its nice that he sold to me for what I would have bought a regular ounce of silver for, I had to take them! I plan on doing some more exploring in my area. I wish you all luck and if you have any questions please ask.

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