Community silver stack

Just kicking back and relaxing on this lovely quiet Sunday and thought I would show off my community silver stack. Features below are pieces from @pit-bullion , mrs Vulcan, me Vulcan, Valhalla silver, rod metal worx, mutiny metals, mk Barz, the bear, 925 stacker, chirostackor, yps, and lousig Louie. I love the concept of the community stack because it supports small back yard pouring and small business. Also I love the unique character that each and every piece has.90D62FD4-6E6D-46C9-805C-462B8B72C4E6.jpeg a lot of the pieces come from loyal members from within metals mafia!! If you havnt joinedthe loyal family already you must contact pitbullion and he will teach you how to do so.526301CD-E691-46D7-A8B4-517D2FD7A898.jpeg here’s a close up of a few pieces from metal steel mafia members. First up mrs Vulcan!! With her beautiful starfish pour 027372E0-0DFC-41FA-88DC-7B2F869FB367.jpeg second up Vulcan!! With this amazing ebony wood pourAF4307FB-65C0-4BCF-A4AD-089BC4379573.jpeg50496DF0-E68D-4D0D-AAD1-7EE280474A1B.jpeg last but not least of course we have the don aka pitbullion with an OG 1ozt bar and a pitbullions angels button I won on a giveaway 3C094427-F95B-4357-8203-D285C38B1EB6.jpeg also someother amazing pieces here are from Valhalla silver but I’m not sure if he has joined the metals mafia or not. E9C3D7F3-00E4-4BDF-9E12-9EB7DE3D2447.jpegCA055916-1689-4D97-AEEB-AB683A4BA1ED.jpegthere are so many members of the community that have amazing pieces that I don’t own yet but I plan on working on my community stack a lot this year and eventually hope to own a piece from each and every one. thanks for checking out my community silver stack I hope you enjoyed what you saw and have a nice relaxing Sunday. Please upvote and comment to show some love for my new steemit I’ve 😀🙏👊🏼

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