My Gold Stack - Part 2 Of 4 - Golden Roo's & Nugget coins

Part 1 of My Gold Stack Post, was about coins I picked up, as they were the cheapest gold coins
I could find at the time.

So what's up next you may be wondering.

Well part 2 of 4 is coins from The Australian Nugget / Kangaroo Gold Bullion Coin Series from 1987 - 2018


All these roo or nugget coins I bought for the same reasons as the last lot of coins I showed you, in part 1. I do try to search these coins out., especially the older ones.
Only at the right price though and they must be cheaper than current releases.
All have rather lowish mintages and are not easy to find at all and do hold/command a nice premium as well. So if I can pick them up cheap enough they do have equity in them.
Not many people seem to want the 1/20oz coins and it seems there often not many bidders for these which is what you want.. Well I do., means they can often be bought with a maiden bid or a cheeky but fair offer.


I could probably flip all of these, if I wanted to and make a profit all be it a small one after ebay fees. But none of these is going anywhere anytime soon. Most of these coins are 1/20 of an oz. Normally you will pay anywhere in the region of 10% to 20% premium over spot on a 1/20 the of an oz coin from a dealer as the smaller a coin is the more you pay over spot and as I said before all are pretty low mintages.

Below is a link to the pdf on the Perth Mint website, if you wanna check the mintages out.

The Australian Nugget / Kangaroo Gold Bullion Coin Series 1987 - 2018

So Let's get into the coins In year order, oldest first

First up the 2000 1/20 oz


The Australian Nugget
1/20oz Bullion Nugget Coin 2000
Maximum Mintage - 200,000
Declared Mintage - 37,220


The Australian Nugget
1/20oz Bullion Nugget Coin 2002
Maximum Mintage - 200,000
Declared Mintage - 21,767


The Australian Nugget
1/20oz Bullion Nugget Coin 2003
Maximum Mintage - 200,000
Declared Mintage - 18,426


Yeah we gotta get Queenie in somewhere but all the coins I have, have the date on the reverse. later when we look at the 2009 you'll see that one the dates is not on the reverse it's on the obverse.


The Australian Nugget
1/20oz Bullion Nugget Coin 2006
Maximum Mintage - 200,000
Declared Mintage - 12,299

Pretty low mintage the 2006 and the 2009


The Australian Kangaroo
1/20oz Bullion Gold Kangaroo Coin 2009
Maximum Mintage - 200,000
Declared Mintage - 12,161

See no date on this side

Last but not least the one 1/10th oz roo I have.


The Australian Kangaroo
1/10oz Bullion Gold Kangaroo Coin 2011
Maximum Mintage - 200,000
Declared Mintage - 51,240


The mintages are alot higher on these than the 1/20 oz coins.
Plus in 2012 they stopped doing the roos in 1/20 oz size.
The declared mintage of the 2011 1/20 oz was only 1,093.. Now try finding one of those.
Sometimes max mintage means nothing it's all about sales and if you can find coins like these, that there are not many of. Then they key if you collecting a set and do carry a higher premium over other coins...
I do feel these roos are great value but not easy to find

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post, as much as i did creating it, being the 2nd part of a four part series of post on my Gold stack.

Please checkout my other most recent post

A Real Nice Coin That's A Bit Special To Me -

My Gold Stack - Part 1 Of 4 -

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