How to make your day better....part 2

Well another shipment came in today, this one is kinda special. Got some silver that I had ordered with a few extra gifts. You know getting silver in the mail is one thing but getting gifts in the mail, well that's a whole different story.


This one is pretty big, so you may want to take a seat. I will give you 2 guesses and the first one is probably right. This big ole package is straight from Sin City.


Now I had placed an order with @pit-bullion so I new this was coming, just didn't know about the extra gifts that where added.

Now you already see the t-shirt, very cool of you Pit to throw in a t-shirt. Wait that means every weekend when I am off it will either be METALS Mafia or Gold money. Yes sir, everyone's going to be asking questions.

You ready this is some serious eye candy that was bought with nothing other than some good ole crypto's. So before I show it off, I gotta ask, are you pulling some profits off of the table?


Wait, I thought this was from @pit-bullion, you mean to tell me the ole pirate has sent me a gift. Well let's have a look


What, a blackened ASE and a 1 oz button. Man this is something else @thedamus you are one cool MOFO. Now If your not follow @thedamus, then go follow him right now. He is one of the biggest givers in this group. Thanks bud!

Let's just throw it all on the table at once.


Gooood loooord! If getting something like this don't make your day better then I can't help you. This is all you need to calm the symptoms down of stackitus.

Let's walk through this slowly, Cause there are a lot of bad ass pieces to show you. 1st up 10 oz bar.


Pour lines included


Next up 10 oz brick, now everyone needs one of these. This think is as thick as a 100oz bar.



Alright you need a break, no not that kinda of break, here let me break you off a piece of this 10 oz kit Kat bar


Don't worry it has pour lines to.


Alright, how about a 5 oz Celtic skull, that is just as bad ass as the 14oz version.



Next up a 10oz skull


Look at those pour lines


Alright how about the Pick Of Destiny


Now who knew @pit-bullion did wood pours. Well he does, but you gotta ask nicely


As if ASE wasn't cool enough, what about a blackened one, this one is courtesy of the one and only @thedamus, thanks so much brother.



How about some blackened steem rounds


I now, sweet right? Well check out the back


Special Thanks to @thedamus, man you always seem to amaze me. Thanks again.

@pit-bullion, need I say more, you guys better head over there and pick out a few things. This dude is amazingly talented at pouring silver.

You now I support this bad ass group


Post it up guys, let's flood steemit with nothing but metals. Let's see whatcha got.

Follow me @raybrockman

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