Here just take it, take it all 🤑😁😎👊

Well like always @raybrockman runs his mouth and then after the fact realized maybe I shouldn't have done that. Well this was another one of those situations. See @raybrockman got a little excited a couple of weeks back. I was trying to promote the #steemsilvergold Monster Raffle three. Well I kinda over did it.


Yeah, sometimes it doesn't sink in until it is time to to give it away 😭😥


So here is the deal, I offered up a free 1 oz piece of silver to everyone that bought over 100 tickets to the Monster Raffle, and then it even got worse, I also offered up a 10oz bar as a private raffle for the top ten ticket buyers. Da fak was I thinking, and why didn't any of my FRIENDS stop me.

So here I am ready to honor my word, after all that's all I will have left after this give away....🤣🤣😂😂😭😪

So here are you 100+ club members.


So each one of the members above will receive a 1oz silver piece from me. ( you have 14 seconds after this post to provide an address, if address is not recieved with 14 seconds you will forfeit your prize. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 just kidding.

Now for what all of the above 10 have been waiting for, lets give away some heavy silver, ten solid oz of the .999 AG.


Ten names entered.


Lets do it, good luck to everyone.


And the winner is....


St would be @summertooth, Mr. Tooth you are now 11 oz heavier, congratulations sir, and thanks to everyone who bought tickets. The raffle was a hell of a success.

Now I am gonna need everyone to hit this post with 100%. I gotta make up some funds.

All 10 members pmease reach out to me in discord and provide me with your address.

Proud supporter of #steemsilvergold


Thanks to everyone for making the Monster Raffle Three a successful Raffle..


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