The Day is fast approaching Folks...

All Federal Reserve Notes shall become Void of any Legal Tender Status, as soon as the Redemption Period ends...

As per my Petty Cash Theory, I think we are beginning "to see" just how Petty the Federal Reserve Notes really are...

These days, a lot of you don't even use Petty Cash...

You either use Debit Cards, Credit Cards and now even your Smart Phones and Crypto's...

When all Hell Breaks Loose, I'm sure you'll feel safe with your Silver and Gold, right...???

With the Creation of Crypto-Currencies, the Writing appears to be all over the Walls...

Then someone like me comes along and starts writing about Pocket Change this and U.S. Coinage that...

Next thing you know, a New U.S. Trade Dollar pops into an imaginary existence...

It is true that I once called it a "New Dollar" but I tend to like "Trade Dollar" better...

Anyway, to make a long Story short...

The Trade Dollar will be used to Gather up all the Federal Reserve Notes from around the World...

The Rate of Exchange will be One Trade Dollar for One Hundred, Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

That's it in a nut-shell...

The Petty Cash "not" exchanged for Trade Dollars will become Void of any Legal Tender Status at the "end" of the Redemption Period and "Counted" as Payment of Debt, along with all the Federal Reserve Notes gathered...

Once the Petty Cash has been "returned" to the Federal Reserve Banks and their Owners, all that will be owed, will be the Interest due...

The interest on the Debt shouldn't be all that hard to pay with our new U.S. Trade Dollars, backed by U.S. Coinage...

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COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost you a dollar bill...

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