The Bloody Raven: taken for a ride to the coin show, and not the Hospital… Part 2.

Well Mr. Punky’s Dad has offered to provide me HIS Pirate booty of that day to show my friends here on Steemit. I don’t get to many shows often so this will be the second part to our little haul. As in my previous post, my friend took me to the coin show for some Stackitis therapy and this was his haul for the day.

As side note here is I hope to make it to the next September 8th (NSNS) North Shore Numismatic Society coin show so I plan to properly save up for this one. The club has been in existence for 50 years. I found the atmosphere relaxing, the dealers very accommodating, and the Japanese side attractions wonderful. In addition for those interested in coming this NSNS show has been shortened to one day only, the 8th.

Website of the North Shore Numismatic Society Click here

This club regularly meets at the Bonsor 55+ Senior Center’s Multi-purpose room 7pm in Burnaby, Third Tuesday of the month.

Pan American Silver Corporation 1 T oz. Silver Bar

A nice lightly golden toned but typical of Punky’s Dad’s Vanilla no frills styled Stacking. No surprise here.

With it’s distinct iconic Geologist’s Hammer the bar is generic with no serial number and was produced for the Pan American Silver Corp, the Second largest PRIMARY producer of silver at 25 Million Toz in 2017. 2017 Pan American Silver Corp Report
These bars are still currently available in eight sizes for Investors like us in holding the physical, from 5 grams to 100 T oz. sizes. The Silver is sourced from the La Colorada mine in Mexico. Pan American Silver Bars

Johnson Matthey 1 T oz silver bar

This is his second purchase to add to the several other JM Bars of his stack.

According to All Engelhard.Com This particular Variety B bar would be the most commonly available. After the original 6 digit serial number exhausted, the series continued with R, and with other Prefixes of A and C. Mintage:>million.

1895 Japanese One Yen

Under the Ruler Mutsuhito 1887 - 1912 Meiji period that ushered in their first Modern coinage
Y# A25.3, Type 28, Mintage of 21,098,754,according to the available data from Numista.
I think this is a beautiful example of Meiji series of machine struck silver coinage first using Western coining techniques, and I admit some coin envy for my friend owning this lovely piece of Japanese economic history.

年 八 十 二 治 明

Japan · Year 28 of Meiji

Meiji Period (1868-1912) was the era of transformation of a Japan into a Western Culture. Japan was forced to comply to an Unequal Treaty allowing Western Countries tremendous trade and legal advantages. Such an unfair policy had obvious consequences later on. To regain independence from out of the burden of the Western Countries Japan had decided to quickly develop herself into an Industrial and military power. One major change was the shift of power of the Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo to the Imperial Court. Some other profound changes was the installation of a democracy with the establishment of a European styled Constitution in 1889, a compulsory education system, and an enormous infrastructure expenditures in transportation, communication to transform the once agrarian economy into a Western styled industrial one.

Japanese History Source

Szczepanski, Kallie. "What You Should Know about Unequal Treaties." ThoughtCo, Mar. 13, 2017,

1 Yen

A beauty of a crown sized Meiji Era coin.

Japan One Yen Numista

Mr. and Mrs. Punky’s Dad still call me every other morning to check on me just to keep offering me support and making sure I don’t go off the deep end. I’m blessed to have them as an ‘almost’ neighbour, as Stacking mentors, and as a brother and sister in faith. They are one of my claiming voices when things seemed going out of control. A special mention for my Stackin Sister @silversaver888 for her support and listening ear and the 'Magic Porpoise', or dolphin if you like, for that special gift. Time to recover, break out the cough medicine, open the Kleenex, pull up the blanket, cancel grocery shopping, i'm ordering out, and put on the Last Samurai Video.

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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