Silver to soar????

Without giving to much away , i bought myself the latest alta report from cliff high. I did it mainly for the crypto stuff and interesting it was. But it was what he had to say about silver that caught my eye, hes predicting a boom in electronics based on silver, a cryptocurrency that bypasses the PM market manipulators, allowing the PMs to find their real market value and presumably results in a seperation of the paper silver EFTs values from the real stuff. You can guess from that, that the manipulators will become inconsequential.
Hes also talking about silver as being recatergorized as a strategic metal, because it will become so important and valuable in the forthcoming electronics boom, he talks of silver coins and bars being melted down and a mass dishoarding of the metal held by stackers who held onto the metal in case the SHTF scenario happened.
All of this may happen it might not, but i think the message is clear, with the metal being in a fire sale at the moment, is it not prudent to at least hoard a few ounces just in case hes correct???
Cliffs reports are normally quite good at predicting the cryptos but not so good at the metals so his prediction of $1000 an ounce silver by 2019 may be unrealistic, that would be a 100x increase in little over a year, but anyone who has had dealings in cryptos knows that given a free unmanipulated market anything can happen. Espeically as silver abounds with uses in so many areas of technology.
Anyway you can get your report here
Happy new year to one and all

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