Silvergoldbotty logo, i called electrum hottie botty

Hi everyone, in grateful to #steemsilvergold for the support they have given to some of my post, I have created a logo for silvergoldbotty based in the petition that has made @silverstackeruk to the community. The design is conceptual, because of time issues I have taken an image of the internet and edited it to develop my idea, but to low I leave the link. I hope you like the design.

logo booty.png

I have named it "electrum hottie botty" since it is the name given to an alloy of silver and gold.



I have done the step by step with the most important aspects since it took me hours to do it and I do not want to bore them to you.

New: I made a little change in the botty to made more accesible to all public. Just like a doll XD

logo booty 2.png

Below I leave the address of the image that i used.

click here.

Remember if you like my work, follow upvote and resteem.

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