SteemShort #1 - Post 2: Request for the Middle Part of the Story


UPDATE: The author for the middle part of SteemShort #1 has been chosen (2017-Dec-08)

The summary with the most upvotes (14) has been written by @nevies.

Congratulations, @nevies

Here is the summary:

It was Sen. Henry who paid the gunmen to kill Sen. Benson, but it was all too obvious. He knew from the onset that he would be suspected and investigation just might reveal him.

So to avoid this he was going to make himself look innocent.
But how?

He forged a brilliant idea:
On the same night he sends men to Sen Benson's house he was going to send men to his own house too. The men were going to make it look like he was also attacked, kill all his night guards and injure him slightly with a bullet.

So that same night, during the fake attack: When Sen Henry heard the noises (although scared) he knew the fake attack was ongoing, but then he heard a gunshot and was surprised, because firstly, he had secretly unloaded his guards' guns earlier on (to ease the fake attack) , secondly, he knew the intruders' guns had silencers.

Then he started to think it might be a real attack from another enemy. So in panic he went out to confirm. While out he was mistook for a guard and shot at, he ducked, jumped off the fence, and was pursued...

SteemShort #1 - Post 2: Request for the Middle Part of the Story

SteemShorts are short stories written collaboratively by three different authors and illustrated by an artist/photographer.
The process to create a SteemShort is described in this post: SteemShorts: Collaborative Short Stories.

This is the request for the middle part of the first SteemShort.

The first part has been written by @tolustx and can be found below.

Authors that want to write this middle part should send in a comment the summary of their proposed contribution. This summary must be in 100 to 200 words. Any proposed summary that is shorter than 100 words or longer than 200 words will not be considered. The summary must describe the continuation of the story and should be enough open-ended so that several ends for the story could be written.

The chosen author will be the one that have the most upvotes for his summary comment 4 days after this post. The post will be updated to indicate which author has been chosen.
The chosen author will then be instructed how to submit their full constribution. The full contribution need to be between 500 and 1,500 words, with no sound, image or video.

Once the full contribution of the chosen author will be received, another post with this full contribution will request proposals for the last part of the story.

All authors need to agree for a "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike" (

No title for the short story should be suggested. When the full text of the full story will be known, the three different authors will each propose a title.

So, writers, send your summary proposals.

And, readers, upvote the summaries that you like.

Here is the first part of the story, writen by @tolustx:

The ceremony was full of glamour. There was a colourful display of traditional values: the dancers were full of power, the drummers played like their lives depended on it, the congregants were full of joy and dressed in various colourful and expensive group attires, it was difficult to believe that majority of them socially fall much beneath the average class. Titles were conferred on the new chiefs, each showing appreciation to the people for the good gesture and promising an era of greater development to the people of the town. Chief Benson was not left out, as his appreciation speech was more like a political campaign. His antecedents have already proven to people he is capable of bringing rapid development to the state and its people. So, it was not a surprise when they cheered him as he spoke and sang his praises over and over, chanting… “The saviour of the people has come!”

A reception crowned this ceremony. Everyone, irrespective of social or political class was present. There was so much to eat and drink, the music band played melodious songs and the people danced their hearts out. It was a great way to end the annual celebrations. Chief Benson proceeded from here to a meeting with the elders of the town as there are political issues they needed to sort out. Some still believe that Chief Benson should step down for and support Sen. Henry Dokun, who is from the same senatorial district, and has sworn that the election is to be contested with every ounce of his blood. Henry has at his disposal, political thugs, who just needs him to speak a word and the task is done.

The meeting was filled with heated arguments on why Benson should step down. Some believe that since Chief Benson and Sen. Henry are from the same District, there should be a single candidate representing them to increase the chances of that candidate winning. Sen. Henry definitely has more political experience and should therefore be better suited for the office, more so, as the incumbent governor is also contesting for a second term in office, only a strong opposition will be able to unseat him. Chief Benson argued that this is his time and he is taking the shot. He has the followership, he has money to see it through, he has the will, and above all, it is time for the common man to enjoy the beauty of democracy. It is barely four months to the election; concrete decisions have to be made as soon as possible for better strategizing.

Chief Benson returned to his mansion around 12:45am, so tired. He needed to rest as he would be returning to the city early in the morning. He takes a cold shower relayed to his wife, Precious, a summary of the proceedings at the meeting. She simply asks him to be careful and take time to think it through. She promised to support any decision he makes.

At about 2:30 am, the security personnel in the compound recently completed their routine patrol of the compound and are back at their post at the gate. One of them returning from toilet, was grabbed from behind and swept off his feet with what he would have described as a wave too heavy for his body balance. He was however not going to be overpowered so easily. He tried to jump to his feet to retaliate but his attacker was swifter. A single shot to his chest from his .22 Winchester Magnum shattered a rib and went into his heart. He gasped for breath but he could not just hold the breath. He dropped dead immediately. His colleague has earlier been strangled, his lifeless body is laid in a corner with eyes wide open. He was alerted by the sudden barks of the dogs but before he could see anything, an heavy figure was behind him, with arms tightly wrapped round his neck. He almost reached to his rifle but it was too late. The man behind gradually drained life out of his body. One bullet each from a 9x18mm Makarov was enough to silence the dogs, restoring the calmness.

The invaders did not want their presence announced. Everything therefore had to be done as silent as possible. That is why they had silencers tightly fitted to their firearms. With the dogs and security men taken out, they proceeded into the building. The compound, though large, is well litted but they seem to have a thorough understanding of the compound to know which part is darker. Two of them stayed put within the perimeter while six of them entered the house through the kitchen door, which is much easier to break open than the main entrance. Three of them proceeded to the master bedroom while two manned the living room and the guest bedroom. One stood guarding the stairs.

The brief dog barks had woken Chief Benson and he suspected something was wrong, and he made some quick calls but it would take sometime for the police to get there as the nearest police post does not have enough manpower to deal with this threat. By the time they arrived, they only met a wailing wife and the lifeless body of her husband. The shooter was precise. Two shots from his .45 ACP 10mm Auto made way into his forehead. The death was quick and painless. Eyes soaked with tears of anguish, all that the bereaved wife could say was "why would someone do this to me".

The Police tried to talk to her. "They were all holding guns. They asked for a particular document from him, he quickly pointed it to them and one of them reached for it. When he confirmed that it was what they wanted, the one has a scar on his face shot my husband" and she bursts into tears. They decided to leave her for a moment. Just before dawn, the Police chief arrived. At this time, the whole town was awake. Cops swarmed the compound, looking for traces of evidence that could be helpful. Some members of the press requested a statement from the police but the Police commissioner is yet to fathom the motive behind this incidence.
Was it a robbery or an assassination mission?
How did they know so much about him and his house?
Is this the handiwork of one of his political opponents?
If yes, then who could it be? This is going to be a hard nut to crack, he thought to himself.

"Steemshorts" contest series is authored by @vcelier !

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Editor's note: The first post of this contest series won the winner @tolustx over 50SBD !!! Participate, make $ and most of all - Enjoy!

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1 column