Steemschools / I have the need to create this letter of invitation to you

I want to invite you to join Steemschools and tell my personal experience with them and what has helped me to improve.

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I have the need to create this letter of invitation to you, because I do not want more people to spend what I spend in steemit, to create a community that integrates new users quickly and effectively. , those new users have many doubts and steemschols, this is to help them.

In my case it happened in the following way:

I have two months since my account was confirmed as all new ones I had to wait 2 weeks to be approved, at the beginning I was excited, trying to publish something I got a system new, with a strange theme for me, I read some posts that said I should do some things and others said the opposite, causing more confusion, and decided to put it aside, 2 months later a friend @ yoyo13skate told me that the step so same and invited me to STEEMSCHOOLS when I entered I felt more lost because it was in English, he connected and I explained some things about discord and steemit, he had to disconnect and I stayed snooping, and there I received messages of welcome from others users, all were very kind and ready to help me, they invited me to some classes even though they were in English, they asked me why I did not comment and when I told them that I do not speak English, they looked for a user to translate them, there is They explained to me many things, which I did not know. I'm really grateful to them.

Thanks to all of you who supported me at STEEMSCHOOLSSteemschools.png


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Live class?

The best thing about steemschools in my opinion is the live class system, do not be afraid if you do not master English well, many users are willing to help you and some teachers speak Spanish (of course you have that slow talk reminds you that it's not your native language)

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