Experience Being A New Father

Having a baby is the greatest happiness for every married couple. The wife changes her status to become a mother, and the husband turns into a father. at the first second the baby 'reveals', the couple is legally and worthy of being called a parent.


For a man who has just assumed the title of 'new father', there are certain things and activities that must be accustomed to work on. Although foreign, as a new father, of course it must be ready with all the consequences. Over time, they will get used to these activities and can later turn into an ordinary 'daily routine'.

Then, what new activities will a new father face when he first takes care of the baby with his wife? Young fathers, let's see the following:

Do all the great homework
Because the wife must stay in bed during abstinence, automatically all housework should be made by the husband. You can rely on an assistant or a close relative, but they are not always available for 24 hours.
Others, such or not husbands must do all homework. Like washing clothes, washing dishes, sweeping, and so on.

Willing to stay up for the sake of holding a baby.
Certainly, staying up late is a consequence of having a baby. When the baby cries in the middle of the night, it is the duty of a husband to carry a baby even though he has to fight against drowsiness.
Emotional closeness between father and baby can occur when both make physical contact. Soft touches can make the baby feel safe and comfortable in his father's arms.

Must pampered your wife
In periods of abstinence, in which the emotions of a wife is not stable, it is the duty of a husband and wife to indulge. Although having a baby can make a wife feel happy, at certain times they will feel stressed with a 'new routine' that she has not felt before.
Make your wife feel comfortable. Communicate every little thing that triggers stress, or it could also perform gentle touch as a way to pampered wife.

Get up at midnight to change diapers.
Although changing diapers is the responsibility of the wife, the husband must help the wife to do all the activities in the care of the baby, including changing diapers and giving milk. A husband must be up in the middle of the night to change the diaper when the baby is crying, because the baby is uncomfortable when his pamper is full.

Learn to care for all baby needs.
Do not think that keeping a baby is a wife's job. There are times when the husband must be prepared to replace the job of keeping the baby when his wife was exhausted and needed to rest abstaining. In addition to changing diapers and how to preserve the baby, there are many things to learn when looking after a baby.
Just like making the right dosage when making formula milk, preventing the baby from crying, dissection, and so on.
Not as complicated as you can imagine.

Posted from my blog with https://wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/SteemPress:http://zayyadmikael.vornix.blog/2018/08/05/30/

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