A morning prayer

As you start another glorious day, the Lord will pay attention to you and give you peace like a river. He will lead and go with you in the journey of life throughout this remain days of the year. His covenant will speak on your behalf in all situations in the name of Jesus. I pray for you and ask God to make you greater than you are, show you more ways than you know and make your future brighter than you can ever think of. May the beauty of God's love touch your heart this morning and may all that you wish come to pass in Jesus name. The Angel of Good news will locate you today and always.
The amazing Grace of God that made Jabez more honorable than his brethren will distinguish you among the sons of men in Jesus name. In all areas of want, the mercy of God will raise men of influence in your favor in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Good morning, have a lovely day ahead

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