Apple Music now has over 56 million subscribers

Apple Music tani ka mbi 56 milionë abonues

While Apple Music got a later start compared to other music broadcasting services, it seems to be catching up very quickly. Earlier this year, it was reported that Apple Music had about 50 million subscribers, but now according to recent figures from the Financial Times, it seems that this number has risen to 56 million in less than a year.

It is unclear how accurate these figures are, but it is not surprising that the numbers are growing as it has been so far. It also appears that this increase in subscribers is a result of Apple's aggressive approach to service, where appear to be emerging from their areas of comfort with ideas.

This is according to a senior executive, who said that "Apple came out on the market with an inferior product three years ago. Apple Music did not become spectacular as iTunes. However, the service is becoming more serious, teams are coming to us with new ideas all the time. "

There has also been a report in the past that suggested that in terms of the US music market, Apple Music may have already passed Spotify, although for the most part, Spotify is the general leader.


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