Pennsif's Progress #597 - Getting it right

Sometimes things go wrong.

Sometimes things aren't as good as they should be.

Both of those things bug me - greatly.

One of my life's maxims has always been...

"There are only two ways to do something - full on or not at all."

I am a perfectionist. If I do something, I want to do it to the best of my ability, I want to make it perfect.

It always jars with me when I hear people nagging me to hurry up, that will be fine, just leave it like that, no one will notice...

I will notice. I will know I have not done as well as I could.

I can't do half-ar$ed.

This is a virtue or a curse that runs through my whole life, in everything I do.

In my business, in the garden, in the house.

When I am weeding a vegetable bed, when I laying the table, when I am tidying a cupboard.

Everything must be perfect.

When I have completed the task, and it is perfectly done, do I get upset when someone comes along and messes it up a few minutes later.

And so it comes to steem...

If I am going to be on steem, I am going to do it to the best of my ability.

I am going to make my posts as good as I can. I am going to optimise the images to the nth degree. I am going to get the layout just right. I am fully research my radio show guests. I am going to my playlists.

That means my posts take twice as long to prepare as they might do if I just 'banged them out'. It means each of my radio shows takes almost two days to prepare and execute.

Will anyone notice, will anyone care, will it improve my ROI?

Probably not.

But that's just me.

It all takes time. And time really is my most precious resource these days.

That brings me back round to my previous post - Time For Change.

I have a couple of new projects that I am rather excited about and an desperately keen to move on to.

But I don't have time. Something has got to go to make space.

Tricky decisions. I enjoy all the things I do on steem.

I've got two tracks to guide myself on.

Firstly the blunt and embarrassingly mercenary fact of what brings in most rewards for the time involved.

Secondly the more virtuous measure of what will have most positive impact on my mission on steem.

For me personally at this moment in time in the here and now it is the mission that is all important.

It is the only way I can rationalise my time on steem.

My mission is to change the world, one sbd at a time.
(or least in some little corners of the world I will do my best to make life better)

What fits stays, what doesn't goes.

While you are here check out these to see what else I do :

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