Reviewing Life from the 'Lockdown Love In'

It's been 151 days since my last confession - erhem - blog. And you may well be asking (or not) "Just what on earth has been going on up in those Spanish mountains to warrant such a gap in our entertainment?" Well, I always said I'd bear it all here... so the truth is that it's been a bit of a rocky road... there's been some soft and squishy marshmallow bits but more of life's hard crunchy bits.

There was however, a super duper major high point around Christmas when we were gifted the funds to be able to buy a new fridge. Yup... a really tall, shiny silver fridge with... get this... freezer drawers!

I can't tell you how this has transformed our experience of living off grid!

First of all, huge amounts of research was done into which fridge would be the most compatible with solar power... then there was the size thing too... because at the end of the day our kitchen, is our living room, is our bedroom and we sure as hell didn't want to be kept awake at night with the 'hummmmmming'... of a 'spaceship' just a couple of meters away from our bed.

You all know by now, that My Gorgeous Man is THE absolute ace at online research, with tech details, price and delivery comparisons... and we eventually bought one down at our local shop Expert in Órgiva... mainly because they had a great offer and could deliver it down our rather awkward track. We also really wanted to support our local community rather than a faceless conglomerate and run the gaunlet of a grumpy courier scraping their van around the tight rocky corners.

And I tell you what. After living for over a year with a small ancient gas bottle fridge, where the shelves kept falling out and it either froze everything or the door just wouldn't stay shut and everything was ruined... we felt like frikking millionaires as the silver 'UFO of a fridge' was gently eased down the steps and into our wee home.

Our life was complete.

And there was even more to celebrate.

To make space for our fridge (because essentially we're a one room studio flat on the side of a mountain) something had to go. And that 'something' was the old sofa bed that we had inherited with the property... aka... Sir Maxelot's sofa. This initially caused us a lot of humming and hawing... and guilt, but we reassured ourselves that because over the last few months, he hadn't been able to get up on his sofa, and had spent 90% of his time on his gigantic memory foam, furry throne of a bed on the floor... with the remaining 10% trying to take over our sofa... we guessed that he might not actually notice.

We hoped.
And we were right.
As you can see, he was hugely non plussed with all the gleeful moving around of bits, bobs, fridges and sofas.

So hey presto... we moved the old sofa up onto the roof and suddenly we had an outdoor living room with the best view in the whole wide world! Our stunning view obviously needed to be immediately christened with el cheapo cava sundowners at less than €2 a bottle... and we were truly blessed with an interlude of wonderful warm weather to make the most of it.

Of course... it's now under a tarpaulin waiting for the return of the Spanish spring sun... laden and held down with bricks on the top because of the crazy winds that roar up our little 'burranco' ... valley. But we know it's there... just waiting for us. Not long now.

And I don't want to labour on about how much of a morale boost, having a wonderful modern fridge is... but it really was... and it really, really continues to be so!

And it's just as well we had that boost, because.... and here's where I'm going to be radically honest.... I spent the majority of December and January in a bit of a dark hole... mostly brought on by just being well and truly exhausted from trying to make ends meet, being online so much and becoming a bit disheartened with myself... and add in the mega dose of menopausal hormonal shite... and I really wasn't that much fun to be around.

The roof became the safe zone.

But I'm never one to stay down for long... and the upshot of it was that the black clouds did in lift in February... with help from my fellow healer wuwu witchy friend and a whole new range of tissue salts and homeopathic remedies. It turns out these major delves into the depths of despair are a common experience for women of my era... except nobody talks about it enough and you think you're the only one going loopyloo and down the plughole, never to resurface again. Seriously... you've no idea till you've been there!

The Universe got everything aligned and I came back to 'me' just in time to head off on my Irish tour, to share my long planned, in person Channelling Love Healing Circles, Universal Reflexology workshop and Rising Visionary day in Belfast and Galway.

And what a trip that was! It was ah-mah-zing!
The Healing Circles sold out, the reflexology weekend was transformational and the Rising Visionary day co-hosted with Jo Beth Young was incredible.

Being in Ireland was medicine for my spirit and soul.... and staying with Jo, also opened the door to new creative wild wuwu ventures... but more about that another time. If you have a mo... delve into the montage below of my time in Ireland... to feel the love... share the magic... and reassure you that even if you're having a tough time... there are good times around the corner. I promise you.

The magic of Ireland...

It wasn't long after getting back from Ireland that the global shit really hit the fan with COVID 19 and Lockdown came into force in Spain. I have never, ever been so grateful for living where we live... already isolated with nothing around us but nature. I'm going to write about our first month in lockdown next week... because yes... I'm committing to a weekly blog as well as getting the Namaste This book all sorted, published and made into a Hollywood blockbuster by the time we're set free at the end of April 2020.

I do love a bit of positive thinking, envisioning and manifesting.

And to help me on my way to 'authordom' today is the first day of #The100dayproject that I signed up to. It's a free event and it's a way of keeping yourself accountable to spending time on your project every day for the next 100 days... and we tag and post an image on instagram to show how we're doing every day.


My special tag is #100daysofwritingthenamastethisbook so no surprise that my project is the Namaste This book. What else would it be? And I even pulled the Self Mastery card from Cher Lyn's Mystic Medicine Art deck this morning... so I think I'm all set mentally, emotionally and energetically for mastering myself through this process and making this book dream, come true.

Until next week then my lovelies... Hasta Luego!


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