Points of view

    In a world with classifications and categories, we are accustomed to generating different points of view in the same situation as if we were to relate the same occasion from another space in comparison to the others' version.

    We are seen before the eyes of others, and we do not do the same to everyone always, that is, we have certain things that do not go with our general behavior and if there is someone who sees us doing one of those characters he will have a different perspective of us. who did not see us It sounds weird but it is the truth, and besides that there are social classes and quantity, with this you can give for example racism. Why? In Africa a white-skinned person is treated and seen in a different way than in a country where this skin color predominates, but is treated in a similar way to a dark-colored person in a country where its color does not predominate and a Modest person is not seen the same by a stranger as by his mother. The president does not see things as his opposition sees them, a terrorist is not in the same place or thinks the same as the hostage or victimizer, the photographer captures things different from the model and you can discriminate against a stranger different from me because the discriminated is my friend.

A rose can be interpreted in different ways.

    Your training since childhood intervenes a little in your perspective of things when you are older because to judge in an appropriate way you must be fair, kind and sincere because otherwise you will always judge your convenience or that of the ones you love and that affects a lot the time to maintain your point of view.

    In this world, with these people, there will never be an exactly correct opinion of a fact since a fact can have many conclusions, and it depends on who sees these conclusions will be known by a society that thinks only by what they say.

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