我们一起牵手旅行——内蒙行(三)Hamsafar – Inner Mongolia (3)


Arrive at the destination Ulan Butong grassland. It is a thousand miles away, and it is not empty. There are hills on all sides, and the hills are so soft, just like the Chinese paintings, which are only painted in green, and do not need ink lines, everywhere they flow, they flow gently into the clouds.



Everywhere you can see thousands of fat sheep and horses. They ate the buttery grass with milk, and the hair color was exceptionally bright, as if each tip of the hair was an oil star.



The shepherd in the distance still lives a nomadic life. Giving him some fruit, the shepherd said the hardships of life , which we barely understood. It turned out that the yurts are affordable for the herdsmen, who can only live in plastic tents.


MR. MA raced with the horse in the wilderness, but were later stopped by the Wrangler. It is said that this will scare the mare, and the frightened mare has no way to regenerate the pony.


The sunset on the prairie is beautiful, but it is also very short.Just photograph!


The photo taken by a friend is blurred. But such a beautiful scene, one is not willing to throw away.


In the perfect sunset, end my first travelogue in Steemit. If you like it, remember to follow me and give me a vote!

Posted from Steem中文社区 : http://cnstm.org/blog/2018/11/10/%e6%88%91%e4%bb%ac%e4%b8%80%e8%b5%b7%e7%89%b5%e6%89%8b%e6%97%85%e8%a1%8c-%e5%86%85%e8%92%99%e8%a1%8c%ef%bc%88%e4%b8%89%ef%bc%89hamsafar-inner-mongolia-3/

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