What are values?
They are a collection of guiding principles; what we deem to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct.
These values influences our overall behaviour which has to do with our priorities and relationships. But we are actually living in times and that means moral values are sloping downward.
But even at that they are important values we trust which includes

  1. Love for others.
    As humans we all need love because when we have love only then can we lbe truly happy. This shows that as humans we need love because without it we cannot be hundred percent happy.
    The love we are to show is not always the sexual or sentimental kind of love but the one that is guided by principles.
  2. Honesty.
    Honesty is the act, quality or condition of being honest; to be truthful.
    This moral value is very important to any educated or enlightened society.
  3. Generosity.
    There's this popular saying that says that happy is he who gives that the one receiving.
    When we are generous it makes us to be more happier in life.
    And one of the best way to be generous is when we sacrifice our time and energy for others which is very beneficial because it comes with so many rewards.
    Thanks steemians for reading this post.
    I still remain your boy @izkeny.
    Happy eid Mubarak to all the Muslims all over the world.
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