Posting Your WordPress Posts to Steem Blockchain by Phone.

With the increasing popularity of SteemPress, there's a common question of posting to using it on mobile.

The straightforward, and technically correct answer is NO!

You see, SteemPress acts very much like a bridge, an interpreter, a middleware. It's not another WordPress, neither is it another Steemit.

However, as a bridge, it inherits all the benefits of using WP. And that naturally includes the WordPress Phone App!

Admittedly, I'm old school and I'm not a fan of tools that are limited by a 6" screen .. and a keyboard that I can only work with 1 finger. But .. many of you are a lot better working on your mobile devices than me. Also a phone app provides the convenience that is unparalleled.

So to test if this method works, I'm gonna make this post! And if those post appears ..


Proof of Work

This image is added after the actual post as proof. Note the "Publish" button, the text will change to "Update" if it's edited after posting.

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