Maybe I am paranoid but I find it quite curious that as Nov. 30 approaches there seems to be a push by some people who mostly claim to be true-blue DDS to propagate three issues in what seems like a concerted effort to influence those who have not quite made up their minds and derail the RevGov movement.

Really, I would not mind discussing the matter and making a supreme effort to explain things just like during the election campaign and at the height of the EJK fake news dispute. But after having patiently tried to explain things to people who seemed more interested in insisting "ay basta" on their claims/misconceptions/allegations/speculations. But just like the EJK debate, they do not seem to have any logical arguments except to insist on their "opinions". Curiously enough, their arguments all seem to follow a given script complete with terminology! It is always "not ready for Federalism", change our mindset" and "Federalism comes with a poison pill BBL". And just like the EJK discussion, they just keep dancing around the topic, repeating the same accusations that you have clearly, unequivocably debunked more than 10x already! Why?

Now perhaps I can discuss the issues :)

  1. Legislation can easily address the issues we are facing as Filipinos are "not ready for Federalism"
    I almost died of laughter with this one. It sounded like a doctor telling a patient taking a medicine that seemed to make his illness even worse to just double the dosage! :) :) :) As for being not ready for Federalism, that sounded like a father telling his near-menopausal daughter that she was not ready for marriage :) :) :) Anyway, the guy was so mad, he not only cursed me several times, he made a real effort to tell it to me on voice!

  2. We should "change our mindset" and try to induce the Opposition to join the movement for change rather than demonize them. I've had to deal with 2 of these in the past two days with almost exactly the same dialogue too!

" We might lose ammunition to fire at the opposition if we keep fighting and being coarse."
So they are decent and we are coarse? hahahaha! Sino ba ang nauna at mapilit na nambabastos?

"What do we do when we don't have immediate successes anymore?" Huh? We are not the aggressors trying to immediately hurl fake news successfully. We are not trying to bring them down. They bring themselves down when their lies are exposed. If they stop, then so do we.
"If we remain coarse with the opposition, they will use the lull to fire back at us" Huh? What lull? It is they who are coarsely firing at us without let-up. It is we who are just firing back. And should we really fear their wrath more than they should fear ours?

And this is so elitist. What right does anyone have to tell the common tao that he needs to express his opinion about pieces of shit in a way that will not offend the pieces of shit? What brownie points would that gain? And to impress who? I am not really thrilled with the high level of discourse on many threads but just like gay comedy, that is what the people like that is how they are, and that is what they understand.

"Besides, we need the opposition for nation building" Really? Like a stone in the head? So they can profit from our labors? Does this even make sense?

."We need to change our rhetoric. We need to temper the bickering." Why? Because they are on the run and clueless? Why change what has worked? Have they even changed theirs? Will they ever change theirs? Even more senseless!
"We need to look for ways how to make the opposition partner for change" Make the drug lords and criminals and hopelessly corrupt our partners? Is this guy mad? Shouldn't they be in jail?

I hope you get what I mean. He does sound frightfully reasonable and decent appealing to the innate kindness of the Pinoy at first glance, but if you try to think about it more deeply, just who will gain from following his advice? Only the yellows! 😄😄😄 So what is this guy trying to do anyway? And he is supposed to be on our side huh? What do we need enemies for? :) :) :)

  1. "Federalism must be rejected as it is only a means to allow the "poison pill" BBL to be implemented and If you are for Federalism, you must be for the BBL and PRO-Muslim" I have also encountered this about 3 times already.

The funny thing is, they keep on insisting that the BBL will be inserted as is directly into any Federal-Parliamentary Constitution even when it is explained that nobody has been pushing this except for them and that it is the benefits of Federalism for the whole country that matters!

Yes, the majority Muslim areas are bound to become Federal states but not necessarily Muslim states. In fact, both freedom of religion AND separation of Church and State must be incorporated into the Federal Constitution which all are bound to follow. It is hoped that the idea that the law will be equal for everyone and that maximum autonomy will be given will be enough for everyone including the Moros, to chew on for some time, And in any case any proposals would have to be decided democratically by the people affected rather than through negotiations by vested interests. The logic is that as long as there is peace, stability and economic progress then the Islamic question might be addressed at the proper time or may not even be that big an issue. The point is to aspire to give the same deal to everyone and give things time to evolve so that there will be no recriminations and finger-pointing.

Then when all their arguments fail, they will accuse you of being PRO-Muslim, as if that were a crime! When you ask them if they have any solutions and perhaps simply favor the extermination of Muslims, they have nothing to say except to deny and get back to saying Federalism is only to insert the "poison pill" BBL! I went around that bush at least 63 times last night!

And to think they claim to be DDS too! With allies like these, who needs enemies? I do think that many might be "sleepers" though.

And this is not even counting the brave ISIS admirers and utak-pulbura fanatics whose favorite pastime is blaming the kuffars for everything, threatening death and destruction and trashing anything not Muslim!

Hoo boy! It is getting harder to be in the trenches these days! I must have been blocked 3 or 4 times already this week! :)

By the way, with two days left in the campaign, I would like to ask for your support for our fundraising project for special and differently-abled children, Project Alinaga. :)


In a nutshell, we are looking to raise about 300 Steem/SBD by November 15 to be able to support the various Christmas activities of Project Alinaga as well as any other charitable activity we may be able to. I will send a bag of chocolate chip cookies by courier anywhere in the Philippines for donations of 25 Steem (please send directly to @steemph) so the donor can at least try the cookies (and maybe order a few bags as gifts for Christmas? :) ) as well. Once we get started, I would be glad to pas on the donations in kind to Project Alinaga and/or to whatever charitable activity @steemph may sponsor. I would also not mind donating at least a similar amount of my own as well.

Here is some info on Project Alinaga courtesy of @steemph and @dandalion:



Thanks for your kind support!

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