Science and Religion in the brink of Collision

The following essay was first published as a blog by the above author on May 23, 2005.
But the said essay was originally written many years back.
When the author was still in high school during the last part of 1990's.

"To the ignorant even the words of the wise seems foolishness". From the words of a Greek philosopher Euripides. Excuse me for the things that I will tell you, do not consider me a fool, nor making an impression that I am different. I AM WHAT I AM.

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I am fascinated by science ever since in my elementary days. Along the way, I was overwhelmed by spirituality. I started to contemplate on the teachings whether it is Catholic, Protestants, Buddhism, etc. People says that these two will never meet, that one is the opposite or in contras of the other. I disagree, because if the Truth is One, there will be no contradiction at all. And these two, are considered as basic knowledge of the human race, one to the physical universe and the other to the realm of the gods and spirits.
A few examples will be a revelation to you. Man is a body and a spirit, what is spirit? Does anybody bother to see his or her spirit like the way we use to see our image in the mirror.

Paranormal scientists have considered the existence of astral body, the etheric counterpart of the physical body. It is less dense that of physical matter and appears invisible in the naked eye but not on clairvoyant persons.
Can ordinary man exhibit powers that of Jesus Christ? But hey, take note; Christ said if we have faith as small as a mustard seed we can command the trees to be uprooted and be thrown itself to the sea.

Uri Geller have demonstrated powers of telekinesis, telepathy, and materialization in nationwide television and backed up of thousands of documented experiments conducted by famous scientist in the United States. Nelya Mikalova is one of the famous Russian telekinetic who can stop a nuclear reaction by moving the rods by sheer mental powers. She can also do mind reading, telepathy and others.

The priests, monk and spiritual disciples have always been close to God. The yogis and yoginis of Hinduism have shown powers of levitation, materialization/dematerialization, healing, mind control like controlling pain and lessen the intake of oxygen etc.
The aura can tell person moods, health, thoughts and past lives. Upon death it slowly diminishes. This aura can also be transferred to non-living things, but only on a minute amount.

For all the things I've mentioned to All of You, some of you may not be impressed on the new facts, some may dismiss it as purely fiction, or some may say that unless I've seen it he/she will not believe, or just say that I'm already crazy. Who cares!
But do you always believe what you see and do you always see what you believe in? If these things can enforce my faith in God, rather than hide him, I'm wiling to take the challenge of a quantum leap of faith. But to those who are hypocrites, dogmatic and hardhearted to the teachings, who always shouts in the streets saying, I'm right, you are wrong, you're a sinner but I'll be saved coz this is the Only Way, without these you're a doomed, who preaches the doctrines without genuine Love and poor in spirituality, I will pray for them.

I can only say this few lines of advice for them, you are invited and yet didn't come to the wedding of Truth and Love, remember my fellow souls in the path, our GOD is just a few steps away.


~The author have interest on paranormal science, mysticism, spiritualism, religion, and anything about science and technology.~

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