Paradoxical Parenting Tip #4 - Read To Your Kids


This tip actually has nothing to do with being paradoxical. I just wanted to keep the series going...I'll do my best to keep this one short.

There's ample research out there from people with letters before thier name that are more qualified to write this article then myself. Reading to your kids, kids themselves reading, only facilities more brain activity, creativity, social skills and intelligence...especially in the early years of thier brain development.

So do it! Make it a point to pull out 15 minutes of your evening to sit down with your kids and read to them. In comparison our children have way more opportunities to zone out with a screen then they do have thier brain's stimulated by a story.

This may come as a shock to nobody, but what you see in this picture above is a moment where 3 of my kids are engaged in this epic story Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques...Martin is in the middle of a sweet jailbreak chopping off rats heads, and my kids are absorbed...At this moment a parent can speak of how great their family is and their kids are etc - and use this picture to paint this homelife that is truly made for magazines...

truth son Jack is actually being distracted by a magazine (you can see it on his lap), my eldest is having a little attitude because she wants to go to her room, and my 3rd there is trying to show Mom his loose tooth while she is reading...and my youngest is crawling all over me driving his race cars over my face...

Point being - it's hard as parents to do something that has value and commit to it. But do it!!! Reading to your kids is a blast! and worth it!

My kids for the most part have come to love reading nearly every night together, snuggling on the couch, and allowing their brains to be stimulated - They have learned to love the library, getting new books and allowing their imaginations to run wild.

Mom and Dad way to show up, parenting on purpose will be something you never regret! Your building the future authors of History

Live big and choose to win today!

If you are a parent and read to your kids would love to hear some of your favorite books...lemme know below

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