Eager Active Raiders of Noobs: Taking 10th place!

Right off the bat let me say this...

Steemnova is a wonderful game if you haven't heard about it.
Check out this post about the Dapp if you don't know much about the game!

As a proud member of the great alliance "EARN" I hereby announce that we are going to be taking 10th place!

Our members are so active and even have a discord ( link below) where we do giveaways and actually communicate with each other on a daily basis. I have no doubt in my mind that we are gonna surpass " Star Warriors "

The reason I say this is because they only have 2 members compared to our 21 and growing!
And with everyone helping each other out as we do; we progress in rank quicker than you would think!

We invite you to stand by our side and fight with us as we take our spots in the ranks!

Discord Link

SteemNova link to play

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